The Y anomaly

5 min readJan 8, 2023

What are men good for?

Birthing Center

“And, what will you call her?” M.A.E. asked the Namer as the fresh baby cried her first cry. The Namer watched mesmerised the new citizen of Amazon experience life for the first time. The biopod opened, steam and screams of life coming out of it, the baby a warm loaf of bread.

Welcome to the world, my darling!

“Maggie. Her name is Maggie.” The Namer named the baby, as it was her duty and honor. Most of the work done in the Birthing Center was done by M.A.E., the mother AI of all the Amazon women. But the human behind the control panels was responsible for bringing the new babies into the world. The Namer held them for the first time, she named them, and, in rare cases of genetic deficiencies, she had to abort them. M.A.E.’s programming allowed it to create life, but not to end it.

As the Namer held Maggie in her arms, swooning over the child, an alarm went off. The Namer startled, and Maggie began to cry again.

“What is happening M.A.E.?” The Namer asked handing Maggie over to one of M.A.E.’s droids. The control panels blinked a red warning — Y ANOMALY DETECTED! ABORTION PROCEDURE REQUIRED!

The Namer knew this day would come. But after 10 years working in the Birthing Center, she had almost forgotten this was why she was here. This was part of her job too. Not only to…

