4 Future Trends of Supply Chain Management

3 min readOct 10, 2017


Our world is constantly changing, so is the field of supply chain and operations management. There are a few things that are really going to drive the supply chains. Let’s dive into the segment of Mega areas that will affect the supply chains.

Mega Areas Affecting the Supply Chain Management

It’s no longer just the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China,). It’s beyond and continues to grow. The global prosperity is continuing to drive that we have the ups and down cycles economically, but the trajectory is, there still prosperity growth happening and those new customers will demand new products and services.

Technology and as supply chain professionals, we’ll have to figure out how to get those goods and services and solutions to them so, that’s one thing that will clearly continue to challenge us from a supply chain perspective on, how to flexibly and quickly get under those new places to deliver those goods and services?

The another area is as we move more toward mobility and the kind of the data explosion that it’s driving and you’re all about big data and all those kind of things. Now, it’s going to create an opportunity for us. Again in the supply chain, how to use that information? How to get the right information because we’re going to be overwhelmed with these rings? And, how do you really get what you really need?

That’s going to help you since the demand respond quickly and how do you really get value out of that and are there gonna be places where you can kind of find your own IP to figure out how to interpret that data and move quicker and better and more responsive than your competition supply chains that can do that will obviously continue to create a competitive advantage.

Well, this was about areas that are going to affect Supply Chains. Now, I would like to highlight 4 trends and its impact on our field. Let’s explore, what these four latest trends are?

Future Trends of Supply Chain Management


The first trend is about the digital society. We, humans, share a lot of data for example on social media like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter but also on Google, but also machines share a lot of data. Currently, we already have more machines on the internet than humans.


The second trend is around human behavior. Over the last years, we have been working on algorithms, optimizers, and all kind of tools to improve decision making what we need to understand is, what humans do with all this information? How do they take decisions?


The third trend is about scarcity. We are already running short on some basic materials. When you want to produce a mobile phone, we have to go deep into the sea to collect some of its basic materials.


A fourth trend is in digital manufacturing. 3d printers, additive manufacturing, in the coming year, in the U.S. only, 200,000 industrial 3d printers will be installed.

So, what’s the impact on our manufacturing footprint? What’s the impact of all these four trends on our executive master? How do we teach you in our executive master to handle all change in the environment? What we will do, we will give you theories but also show you best practices on how companies include these changes into their processes, systems and organization by doing so.

We will teach you to cope with changes over time in operations and supply chain accidents to the benefit of your company but also to the benefit of the creative society. So, we will teach you to be a partner and constant change and to be a better supply chain and operations leader. Stay tuned stay updated!

