Tech Trends that will rule 2018

3 min readJan 5, 2018


Today we are highly dependent on the technology around us. These technology advancements have changed the way we communicate, shop, travel, learn etc. They have also helped businesses to save time and cost of productions along with moving on to gain some competitive advantage. Due to these developments in the recent year’s everyone is looking forward to new software development and what trends does 2018 has to offer. So let’s figure out what will be the biggest tech trends of 2018 and how they will change the IT world.

Tech Fusion

In the last few years there has been an innovation of diverse groundbreaking technologies like Internet of things, Machine learning & AI, Big Data, Blockchain etc. We know that these tech advancements are brilliant on their own, but companies these days have started to realize the power that they can get if they decide to combine these technologies. Many organizations believe that future innovation lies in finding a way how these tools can work together, rather than performing alone. For example, with the help of AI we can analyze the data that has been collected from IOT and this data can provide us with an observation on how these different operations and processes can work together effectively. Hence, we can look forward to more merged technologies in the next 12 months.

Blockchain is still creating a buzz

There has been a constant buzz in the tech world regarding the potential of Blockchain. Many people still believe that it is still 10–12 years before its full adoption in the day to day operations. It is surely safe to say that the debate whether Blockchain will be able to make it or not will still be in the news this year.

Living on the Edge

As Internet of things is becoming more popular many are predicting that cloud computing will be overshadowed or at least challenged be edge computing Edge computing places the data and services away from centralized points to logical extremes of a network. While edge computing does not take over the Cloud, it does make Cloud more equipped with analytics that its devices capture. It provides the benefits of reduction in inactivity and instant decision-making capabilities. Hence, it is absolutely true that this trend will develop and expand in 2018 along with welcoming new IOT cyber challenges.

Real-Time Management of Risks

Managing IT risk is vital for any business these days and understanding it helps to increase network security, diminish management costs and move forward to achieve business objectives and goals. If an organization fails to realize IT risk it automatically sets the business up for serious security breaches and financial losses in the future. Organizations need to take a lead in identifying, assessing and managing IT risks using the right tools in real time. It will be fun to see how IT world will deal with this and what would be the impact of it.

Smarter Security

Security is something that is close to our heart and 2018 seems to be a year of bringing something big in the field of cybersecurity. This year we hope that we will come up with innovative and smarter ways of keeping the bad guys in check. This can be done by using AI and behavioral analytics to monitor user activity and systems so that they are responding to anything abnormal in real time. Another method is using deception technology and using various traps for catching criminals in the act. It would be nice to be well prepared for anything that might develop in the future beforehand.

