Career Guidance Charts
2 min readJun 28, 2016

Higher Education Decisions — Where to study

How to decide on your place of study isn’t an easy process. In part your decision will be made by the kind of course you want to do and perhaps were you might like to study but there are other factors to consider.

At Career Guidance Charts we produce a range of Career Posters ,other infographic and Career Resources to support students in their decision making. Our new poster explores some of the many factors involved in deciding on your degree course. One of the primary issues is the course content. No two degree courses are the same and it’s important for you to look at the online prospectus and study departments about the detail of what the course will cover. Academic reputation and ranking of the university can be a higher advantage when applying for a career. How well do graduates move into employment is another important factor. 6 out 10 graduates said that graduate employment rates were important in deciding on their university. Home or Away, the challenge of cost over independence is often a key issue for many students.

In some countries attending your local university is the given option. However, gaining the best course for you may incur moving away from home. Cost is always a factor and you need to be fully aware of course fees, living costs and how you will fund that. Some universities offer bursaries and its worth looking for sponsorships if you can find these in your chosen subject.

Other factors that are important include student life and what the facilities are available at the institution. This can be measured by how much the university investment in its facilities and its worthwhile to read around your potential place of study and see what new projects are in development. It’s worthwhile looking at what student accommodation is available as for many undergraduates having the security of a campus room in the first year can make the transition to university all the more easier. Our tips are

1. Visit a couple of places of study, attend open days, many are in March or September.

2. Speak to students and staff about the course, entry requirements

3. Checkout any forums or blogs to get more information about studying

If you are undecided about university we recommend going on an open day, HE careers fair or attending a residential, you will learn lots about doing a degree and the life of a student. This will go a long way to help you decide if you want to study at a higher education institution.

Career Guidance Charts

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