Motivated vs Unmotivated Employees in an Organization

Eva Lee
4 min readJan 17, 2018


Motivated Vs Unmotivated

A research poll conducted by Gallup shows that 70% of the Americans are not utilizing their full potential in the workplace. Similarly, another study has revealed that motivated employees who are actively engaged are likely to achieve twice and contribute better to the organization’s capital income as compared to the disengaged workers. Is motivation such an important factor? You might have heard an old adage, “One rotten apple spoils the whole barrel,” which means a single negative person can be a bad influence on people when everything otherwise seems all good. Research has also pointed out that low productivity of unmotivated employees always cost millions of dollars to a company. On the other hand, employees who feel engrossed in their jobs are more likely to put in efforts since they can see what their contribution means to the business and thus feel more pumped up for the next task.

Reasons why employees feel demotivated

With the industry being rapidly revolutionized, the productivity of a company is no longer measured in the number products launched or the percentage of annual income greater than the competitors. Productivity is now dependent on what new ideas your company has to offer, or whether your team can introduce an innovative product in the market to solve an existing problem. However, if a majority of the workers are feeling demotivated and have developed a lackluster attitude, the probability that they will come up with a new idea is highly diminished.

Many companies try to provide high incentives to performing employees. But this tactic only works when they take to this bait. It’s true that a hefty paycheck is important to maintain a sustainable living, but without any inspiration to give in the best, all this would be merely a waste of time and money for the employers as well as an employee. Disengaged workers can have a negative impact on the work environment and even affect the morale of others, and eventually company’s productivity.

What is that makes an employee feel demotivated?

There might be numerous varied reasons, but to start finding, it is important to understand the things that are wrong in the workplace. A high-performing employee could lose his interest in the job due to lack of appreciation despite putting in extended work hours. Every person desires to feel appreciated by immediate senior or the boss. When the company shows minimal efforts in applauding the sincere efforts of employees, it could dwindle their interest and the urge to perform duties well could take a backseat.

The other reasons which make employees feel disengaged are inadequate communications within the team, lack of clarity on projects, favoritism and even micromanaging by the boss. When the employer shows no trust in employees, the chances of customers trusting your products are highly reduced. In addition to this, a good company culture that encourage bonds beyond workplace and a camaraderie between employees can be a vital factor in improving employee satisfaction.

What factors drive an employee?

A quote by Jimmy Johnson goes, “The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.” So how does one start motivating employees? Workers who have a deep passion about their job and feel connected with the company’s vision can be instrumental in bringing about innovative campaigns for your product’s launch as compared to the demotivated employees. These people can only be detrimental to growth and can infect the team’s enthusiasm with their negative views. Once you recognize what is affecting the work productivity, implementing the right actions is just a cakewalk. These could be simple steps like defining the company’s vision, providing a collaborative work environment, and stepping up the level of challenges to name a few.

Why motivated employees strive to give their best?

While demotivated employees always crib about the challenges and the poor facilities at the workplace, engaged employees convert these challenges into opportunities and come up with solutions to overcome difficulties. Workers who are already inspired from within set the tone for their work and start every task with a positive mindset as they are aware of their potential. They do not fear obstacles, and always keep a backup plan ready for any last minute issues.

How to ensure employee motivation at the workplace?

Enthusiasm is something that every individual has. However, a thing that inspires one person might not motivate another. These workers are the assets of your organization and saving them from demotivation is essential if you want to reap in rich benefits. If you want to get the best out of employees and retain them for a long term, it’s obvious you need to invest in them. A small note of praise, employee recognition awards, training on latest advances in the field, freedom to take decisions or voice concerns, and an apt pay are a few points on what it takes to keep the employees motivated.

A renowned English art critic of the Victorian era, John Ruskin once said, “The highest reward for a man’s toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it.” An individual feels satisfied if he gets to evolve professionally and personally at the workplace. Motivation is the key to do anything in life and to retain your talented employees, developing a company culture that encourage them to brainstorm to deliver their best is a must. At the end, it is the work of actively engaged-employees that will contribute to your company’s success.



Eva Lee

Eva Lee is a blogger who writes on Resumes, Career oriented topics.