A Developer’s Intro to Wormhole and Product Ideas

Arghya Chowdhury
19 min readMar 16, 2024

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Wormhole?
  3. Why you need Wormhole
  4. How Bridging works
  5. Wormhole Architecture
  6. The Wormhole SDK
  7. Development Environments
  8. Wormhole Connect
  9. Quick Start
  10. Product Ideas
  11. Conclusion

This article is your introduction to Wormhole — a cross-chain protocol, that can push your dApp beyond a single blockchain. You see, blockchain is not just a big network, rather it’s a network of multiple chains. So how do we connect to all these different chains? That’s where Wormhole steps in. As you go along with this article, you will be getting to know about everything you need to know to start building on Wormhole. So let’s dive in!

Wormhole Introduction

Well, so what exactly is Wormhole?

The Wormhole acts as a magical bridge connecting different blockchains, allowing seamless communication between them. This unique protocol functions as a messenger, enabling developers and users to tap into the benefits of different blockchain ecosystems.

Like a magic bridge, Wormhole empowers users to effortlessly transfer tokens and assets between different blockchains, opening up a world of possibilities for cross-chain applications. Originally, it was created to link Ethereum and Solana, but now it works with lots of other blockchains too, like Terra, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and more. With Wormhole, these blockchains can talk to each other and share stuff, opening up all kinds of exciting possibilities.

What is Wormhole?

Points to remember

Wormhole isn’t a blockchain as such; rather, it serves as a communication route between many blockchains or rollups.

Also, while Wormhole supports cross-chain communication, it is not exactly a token bridge. However, protocols built on top of Wormhole serve this job.

Cross-Chain Protocol

Cool, but why do I need Wormhole?

Here are some of the key benefits that Wormhole can provide to your Cross-chain Decentralized Applications (xDapps) :

1. Expand Your User Base: With Wormhole, xDapps aren’t limited to one blockchain. You can reach users from different chains, opening up new opportunities for growth and collaboration.

2. Unified Liquidity Pool: Wormhole creates xAssets, which can be transferred effortlessly between blockchains. This results in a single pool of liquidity, making it easier for customers and projects to acquire funds rather than dealing with fragmented liquidity.

3. Decentralized Infrastructure: Wormhole, unlike other cross-chain solutions, is decentralized from the start. This implies that consumers have greater control over their assets and may trust the system without depending on centralized exchanges or bridges.

4. Improved Performance: xDapps can take advantage of the strengths of each blockchain, leading to better performance. They can optimize tasks, settle transactions faster, and store data more efficiently, making xDapps more powerful and efficient.

5. Reach a Wider Market: xAssets can move easily within the ecosystem, allowing them to be listed on multiple exchanges and stored securely on any blockchain. This broadens accessibility and creates more opportunities for projects and users.

6. Enhanced Extensibility and Composability: xDapps in the Wormhole ecosystem can work together seamlessly, allowing for easy integration and collaboration among smart contracts. This opens the door for the development of complex and interconnected decentralized solutions.

7. Futureproofing your own Dapp: Wormhole is built to adapt to new scenarios and protocols as the decentralized ecosystem changes. This guarantees that the ecosystem is sustainable and supports future improvements in blockchain technology, resulting in an excellent choice for developers wanting to innovate for the long term.

Wormhole’s multiple use cases

Wondering how the Bridging works behind the scenes?

Wormhole utilizes two processes, called Attest and Transfer, to bridge tokens between different blockchains. These processes are essential for transferring tokens smoothly while maintaining their properties and capabilities. Let’s straightforwardly explore each process to understand how Wormhole achieves seamless token bridging.


Attestation is the initial step in the Wormhole Token Bridge process, where a token is registered with the bridge for transfer.

Tokens that are to be transferred must first go through the attestation process on their native chain (Origin Chain).

During attestation, the necessary addresses and metadata are created on the Origin Chain to allow the token to exist on foreign chains.

This step ensures that the wrapped asset, representing the token on the Foreign Chain, can be created and associated with the native token.



Once attested, the tokens are ready to be mapped from their native chain to wrapped assets on the Foreign Chain.

Transferring a token involves converting it into a wrapped asset on the Foreign Chain, which mirrors the native token’s value and properties.

This wrapped asset holds the same value and characteristics as the native token on the Origin Chain, enabling seamless cross-chain transfer.


Say for example, you have got some Ethereum ($ETH) in your wallet on the Ethereum mainnet. Now you would like to use those on the Solana mainnet instead of Ethereum.

At first, the necessary addresses and metadata are created on the Ethereum mainnet to allow $ETH to exist on Solana mainnet. Then Wrapped Ether ($wETH) on the Solana mainnet will be minted, which will have the same value as your $ETH on the Ethereum mainnet. (This is the Attestation part, which we discussed above.)

Your $ETH on the Ethereum mainnet is now locked, and equal amount of $wETH tokens are minted on the Solana mainnet. These $wETH tokens can then be used as any other token that are native to Solana blockchain. (This the transfer procedure, which we discussed above.)

If you want to swap your $wETH tokens for ETH on the Ethereum mainnet, all you have to do is burn your $wETH tokens on the Solana mainnet and same amount of $ETH tokens on the Ethereum mainnet will be unlocked.

Here is how you attest from Solana to Ethereum:

// Submit transaction - results in a Wormhole message being published
const transaction = await attestFromSolana(
const signed = await wallet.signTransaction(transaction);
const txid = await connection.sendRawTransaction(signed.serialize());
await connection.confirmTransaction(txid);
// Get the sequence number and emitter address required to fetch the signedVAA of our message
const info = await connection.getTransaction(txid);
const sequence = parseSequenceFromLogSolana(info);
const emitterAddress = await getEmitterAddressSolana(SOL_TOKEN_BRIDGE_ADDRESS);
// Fetch the signedVAA from the Wormhole Network (this may require retries while you wait for confirmation)
const { signedVAA } = await getSignedVAA(
// Create the wrapped token on Ethereum
await createWrappedOnEth(ETH_TOKEN_BRIDGE_ADDRESS, signer, signedVAA);

Here is how you attest from Ethereum to Solana:

// Submit transaction - results in a Wormhole message being published
const receipt = await attestFromEth(
// Get the sequence number and emitter address required to fetch the signedVAA of our message
const sequence = parseSequenceFromLogEth(receipt, ETH_BRIDGE_ADDRESS);
const emitterAddress = getEmitterAddressEth(ETH_TOKEN_BRIDGE_ADDRESS);
// Fetch the signedVAA from the Wormhole Network (this may require retries while you wait for confirmation)
const { signedVAA } = await getSignedVAA(
// On Solana, we have to post the signedVAA ourselves
await postVaaSolana(
// Finally, create the wrapped token
const transaction = await createWrappedOnSolana(
const signed = await wallet.signTransaction(transaction);
const txid = await connection.sendRawTransaction(signed.serialize());
await connection.confirmTransaction(txid);

Here is how you transfer from Solana to Ethereum:

// Submit transaction - results in a Wormhole message being published
const transaction = await transferFromSolana(
const signed = await wallet.signTransaction(transaction);
const txid = await connection.sendRawTransaction(signed.serialize());
await connection.confirmTransaction(txid);
// Get the sequence number and emitter address required to fetch the signedVAA of our message
const info = await connection.getTransaction(txid);
const sequence = parseSequenceFromLogSolana(info);
const emitterAddress = await getEmitterAddressSolana(SOL_TOKEN_BRIDGE_ADDRESS);
// Fetch the signedVAA from the Wormhole Network (this may require retries while you wait for confirmation)
const { signedVAA } = await getSignedVAA(
// Redeem on Ethereum
await redeemOnEth(ETH_TOKEN_BRIDGE_ADDRESS, signer, signedVAA);

Here is how you transfer from Ethereum to Solana:

// determine destination address - an associated token account
const solanaMintKey = new PublicKey(
(await getForeignAssetSolana(
hexToUint8Array(nativeToHexString(tokenAddress, CHAIN_ID_ETH) || "")
)) || ""
const recipientAddress = await Token.getAssociatedTokenAddress(
// Submit transaction - results in a Wormhole message being published
const receipt = await transferFromEth(
// Get the sequence number and emitter address required to fetch the signedVAA of our message
const sequence = parseSequenceFromLogEth(receipt, ETH_BRIDGE_ADDRESS);
const emitterAddress = getEmitterAddressEth(ETH_TOKEN_BRIDGE_ADDRESS);
// Fetch the signedVAA from the Wormhole Network (this may require retries while you wait for confirmation)
const { signedVAA } = await getSignedVAA(
// On Solana, we have to post the signedVAA ourselves
await postVaaSolana(
// Finally, redeem on Solana
const transaction = await redeemOnSolana(
const signed = await wallet.signTransaction(transaction);
const txid = await connection.sendRawTransaction(signed.serialize());
await connection.confirmTransaction(txid);

Let's have a look at the wormhole architecture

Wormhole's architecture is separated into on-chain and off-chain components, with each playing an important role in supporting cross-chain communication. Let’s explore the key components:

Wormhole Detailed Architecture

On-Chain Components:


Emitter contracts are critical to enabling cross-chain communication inside the Wormhole ecosystem. These contracts initiate message transfer between blockchains. When an emitter contract calls the publish message method on the Core Contract, it triggers the creation of an event in the Transaction Logs, containing essential details such as the emitter’s identity and a sequence number to uniquely identify the message.

Several types of emitter contracts exist within the Wormhole ecosystem, each serving a specific purpose:

  1. xAsset Contracts: These contracts enable the conversion of standard tokens into xAssets, which are compatible with the Wormhole protocol for cross-chain bridging. They play a pivotal role in expanding the range of assets that can be seamlessly transferred between blockchains.
  2. Relay Contracts: These contracts facilitate communication between cross-chain applications and specific blockchains through the decentralized Generic Relayer network. They serve as intermediaries, ensuring that messages reach their intended destinations across different chains.
  3. Gas Oracles (in development): These oracles provide recommended fair gas prices across the Wormhole ecosystem, ensuring efficient transaction processing.
  4. Worm Router Contracts: These contracts empower developers to transform their decentralized applications (DApps) into cross-chain applications. By utilizing Worm Router Contracts, DApps become accessible to users on any blockchain supported by Wormhole, allowing for interaction solely through client-side code.
  5. Wormhole Core Contract: This is the primary contract at the heart of the Wormhole ecosystem. It serves as the central hub for cross-chain communication, observed by the Guardians who ensure the integrity of the network. The Core Contract is responsible for processing messages and facilitating interoperability between different blockchains.
  6. Transaction Logs: These logs, specific to each blockchain, play a critical role in enabling Guardians to monitor the messages emitted by the Core Contract. These logs provide transparency and accountability, allowing for the efficient tracking of cross-chain transactions and ensuring the security of the Wormhole network.
On-Chain Components

Off-Chain Components:

  1. Guardian Network: Consisting of validators, the Guardian Network observes Core Contracts on supported chains and enhances the security of the Wormhole ecosystem. There are a total of 19 Guardians. Some of the popularly used Guardians are: Everstake, 01node, ChainLayer, Certus One etc.
Wormhole Guardians
  1. Worm Router Contracts (in development): These contracts enable developers to transform their Dapps into xDapps, promoting cross-chain compatibility and expanding the user base of Dapps.
  2. Specialized Relayers: These relayers handle VAAs (Verified Action Authorities) for specific protocols or xDapps, executing custom logic off-chain to enhance cross-chain compatibility.
  3. Generic Relayers (In development): The decentralized relayer network facilitates the delivery of on-chain requested messages through the Wormhole Relay Contract, further enhancing interoperability.
  4. Wormchain (In development): A dedicated cosmos blockchain that supports the Guardian Network, facilitating seamless cross-chain communication and secure operations within the Wormhole ecosystem.
  5. API: The API functions as a REST server, offering access to details about Verifiable Action Approvals (VAAs) or the Guardian Network. It provides developers and users with a streamlined way to retrieve information regarding cross-chain transactions and network governance.
  6. Verifiable Action Approvals (VAAs): VAAs are essential components in the Wormhole ecosystem, containing messages from cross-chain decentralized applications (xDapps). Each VAA carries information about the emitting contract, ensuring transparency within the network. Guardians validate VAAs by signing them, with a requirement of 13 out of 19 signatures for authentication. This decentralized validation process ensures the security and trustworthiness of cross-chain transactions.
Overall detailed Architecture

Lets talk about the Wormhole SDK

Wormhole provides an SDK for developers to build applications that communicate with their protocol. This SDK simplifies interaction with Wormhole’s fundamental feature, allowing for safe data transmission across many blockchains.

The SDK includes tools for interacting with Wormhole smart contracts implemented on supported blockchains. Developers can use these contracts to send messages that include the originating blockchain (emitterChain), the originating address (emitterAddress), a level of data consistency (consistencyLevel), a timestamp, a unique message sequence number (sequence), and the actual data being transferred (payload).

When a wormhole contract processes a message indicating a transaction, the Guardians watch the process. When the transaction reaches the specified confirmation time on the originating blockchain (emitter chain), the Guardians create a Signed Verifiable Action Approval (SignedVAA).

Verifiable Action Approvals (VAAs) provide the core of the Wormhole ecology. They contain xDapp-generated notifications as well as information about the originating contract.

Check out this video on how to start building your first xDapp:

xDapp development

Diving Deeper into Wormhole SDK

Before we dive deeper into how we use the Wormhole SDK, here is a guide on how to start building your first Dapp on Solana : https://www.soldev.app/course

1. Installation

Open your terminal or command prompt.

Run the following command to install the SDK using npm:

npm i @certusone/wormhole-sdk

2. Configuration

Lets setup the RPC nodes :

Mainnet Guardian RPC Nodes

const MAINNET_GUARDIAN_RPC: string[] = [
"", // WormholeScan explorer's guardian endpoint

Testnet Guardian RPC Nodes

const TESTNET_GUARDIAN_RPC: string[] = [
"", // WormholeScan explorer's guardian endpoint for testnet

Testnet Guardian Public Key

const TESTNET_GUARDIAN_PUBKEY: string = "0x13947Bd48b18E53fdAeEe77F3473391aC727C638";

3. Interacting with Wormhole

Let’s perform some common tasks using the SDK:

  • Parsing VAAs (Verified Arbitrary Messages)
import { parseVAA } from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk";
const vaa = "0x…"; // Replace with an actual VAA
const parsedVAA = parseVAA(vaa);
console.log("Parsed VAA:", parsedVAA);
  • Interacting with the Token Bridge
import { TokenBridge } from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk";
const tokenBridge = new TokenBridge(MAINNET_GUARDIAN_RPC);
const balance = await tokenBridge.getBalance("0x…"); // Replace with an address
console.log("Token balance:", balance);
  • Submitting Messages
import { submitMessage } from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk";
const message = "Hello, Wormhole!";
const txHash = await submitMessage(message, TESTNET_GUARDIAN_PUBKEY);
console.log("Transaction hash:", txHash);

4. Example using the SDK

Here we explore using the SDK to communicate with different blockchain platforms:

import { Wormhole, Signer } from "@wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk";
import { EvmPlatform } from "@wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk-evm";
import { SolanaPlatform } from "@wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk-solana";
import { AlgorandPlatform } from "@wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk-algorand";
// Include the protocols you wish to use
import "@wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk-evm-tokenbridge";
import "@wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk-solana-tokenbridge";
import "@wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk-algorand-tokenbridge";
const network = "Mainnet"; // Or "Testnet"
const wh = new Wormhole(network, [EvmPlatform, SolanaPlatform, AlgorandPlatform]);
// Get a ChainContext object for a specific chain
const srcChain = wh.getChain("Ethereum");
// Get the balance of a token
const balance = await srcChain.getBalance( "0xdeadbeef…", "native" ) // => BigInt
// Get a TokenBridge client for `srcChain`
await srcChain.getTokenBridge(); // => TokenBridge<'Evm'>
// Get an RPC client
srcChain.getRpc(); // => RpcConnection<'Evm'>

Check out the Wormhole SDK documentation if you want to explore more.

Exploring Development Environments

Wormhole Dev environments

Wormhole Local Validator:

This method involves creating a customized environment with your own blockchain. You may operate local validator nodes and connect them to a single Guardian running on Docker.
The first setup may take some time, but future startup and shutdown should be swift.
Requires local installation of validator node software.


Tilt provides Kubernetes deployment for all chains connected to Wormhole, including a Guardian node.
While it takes some time to fully boot up, it delivers a ready-to-use environment with all chains operational out of the box.


Use a single Guardian node to monitor transactions on test and development networks with linked chains.

Note that testnets have limited Guardian nodes, which may affect processing times compared to the mainnet.


When you’re confident in your xDapp, go ahead and deploy it to the mainnet.

Wanna Quick Start your Wormhole journey?

Wormhole Connect is what you should go for then. It’s a user-friendly frontend widget that empowers developers to effortlessly integrate Wormhole-powered bridges into their platforms or Dapps. With Connect, developers can offer seamless access to various forms of bridging, including native asset bridge, Portal wrapped asset bridge, CCTP USDC bridge, and more. Additionally, Connect enhances each bridge by facilitating gas dropoff, which provides users with extra native tokens to cover subsequent on-chain interactions, and enables gasless transactions, where Connect relayers handle gas payments on behalf of users.

Wormhole Connect

This versatile widget streamlines the integration of Wormhole-powered services, making it easier than ever for developers to leverage the benefits of cross-chain asset bridging.

Explore the no-code customizer now to experience the simplicity of Wormhole Connect :

or check out the Github repo, since you are a dev ;)

Ultra Quick Start

  1. Include these html tags in the <head> of the HTML :
<script src="https://www.unpkg.com/@wormhole-foundation/wormhole-connect@0.0.1-beta.2/dist/main.js" defer></script>
<link rel="https://www.unpkg.com/@wormhole-foundation/wormhole-connect@0.0.1-beta.2/dist/main.css" />

2. Include this div tag in the <body> of the HTML where the plugin should be rendered, and voila! You’ve integrated Wormhole Connect into your Dapp! Yep, it's that simple.

<div id="wormhole-connect"></div>

React App Integration

Wormhole Connect can be easily integrated into an existing React project.

First, install the npm package.

npm install @wormhole-foundation/wormhole-connect

Now, import the component

import WormholeBridge from '@wormhole-foundation/wormhole-connect';

Lastly, add the component to your app.

function App() {
return (
<WormholeBridge />

You should see this widget when you have successfully integrated it :

Wormhole Connect Token Bridge

For a deep dive into Wormhole Connect, check this guide :

Here is a list of Project ideas on Wormhole

1. Cross-chain RWAs-based Projects:

  • Idea: Create a project tokenizing real-world assets (RWAs like real estate investment or carbon credits) and enable investors to interact with these assets through numerous blockchain networks.
  • Wormhole Feature Utilization: Make use of Wormhole’s cross-chain asset bridging to transact and transition assets between different blockchain networks easily.
  • Potential Project: Create a protocol or platform that permits the tokenization of real-world assets (Real estate for example) and helps investors participate in different blockchain markets. These projects, with the aid of wormhole interoperability, can provide investors in the RWA space with liquidity and easy marketplaces to develop new transmutable assets.

2. Cross-Chain Borrowing and Lending Platform

  • Idea: A Cross-chain decentralized Borrowing and Lending platform that allows users to borrow and lend digital assets across multiple blockchains via cross-chain functionality of Wormhole.
  • Wormhole Feature Utilization: Leveraging Wormhole’s asset-bridging framework would enable secure and transparent lending transactions across multiple blockchain networks.
  • Potential Project: Creating a lending platform where users can lend and borrow cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, and other digital assets across different blockchains would provide enhanced liquidity and yield opportunities.

Check out this project built on Wormhole that you can use as a reference :

3. Multichain Identity Management System

  • Project idea: Develop an identity management system powered by Wormhole, allowing users to control their digital identities on different blockchains. In the decentralized applications ecosystem, this project will contribute to the simplification of user interactions and the increase of data portability.
  • Wormhole Feature Utilization: Wormhole feature of interoperability would allow the developed identity management system to communicate with diverse blockchains and synchronize users’ identities. Thus, users would be able to connect to the interface to see and manage their identity no matter the blockchain they are currently using.
  • Potential project: A Wormhole-integrated identity system could be developed to create a decentralized identity management hub. It will allow users to see, manage, and control their digital identity on diverse blockchains. Moreover, identity identifiers and credentials could be added to ensure privacy and proper user management in various applications.

4. Cross-Chain NFT Marketplace

  • Idea: Create a cross-chain bridge solution designed explicitly for non-fungible tokens that expands their possibility to transfer and trade on other blockchain platforms.
  • Utilization of Wormhole Feature: The NFT bridging using Wormhole will lead to a secure NFT transfer while ensuring that the ownership and metadata remain with the buyer on the such chain.
  • Potential Project: A platform where artists or their collectors can mint, transfer, or trade their NFTs with people on different compatible blockchains will largely open the market to many more players or consumers.

Check out this project built on Wormhole that you can use as a reference :

5. Interoperable Data Oracles

  • Idea: Implement data oracles designed leveraging Wormhole’s cross-chain to enable reliable data feeds on a multi-blockchain network. It would serve as a fundamental feature for decentralized apps that have external requirements based on data input.
  • Utilization of Wormhole Feature: Oracles will rely on the cross-chain communication protocol of Wormhole to fetch data from various compatible blockchainsources.
  • Potential Project: Creating a decentralized oracle network integrated with Wormhole’s framework would enable dApps to access accurate and real-time data feeds from diverse sources across multiple blockchains. These oracles could facilitate functions such as price feeds, weather data, sports scores, and more, enhancing the functionality and reliability of decentralized applications.

6. DEX Aggregator

  • Idea: Creating a decentralized exchange aggregator using Wormhole’s technology to collect liquidity from multiple DEXs across several blockchains.
  • Wormhole Feature Utilization: The use of Wormhole’s cross-chain communication tool could help combine liquidity from several decentralized exchanges. This integration can help resolve the issue of fragmented exchanges and fragmented liquidity .
  • Potential Project: The DEX aggregator application would be developed with various trading pairs and liquidity pools that would help users have a better trading experience and access to more prices on various blockchains.

Check out this project built on Wormhole that you can use as a reference :

7. Multichain Gaming Platform with Omni-Chain Assets

  • Idea: Create games where players can easily log in and deposit assets across different blockchains. Also, allow in-game items to move between blockchains for a more versatile gaming experience.
  • Wormhole Feature Utilization: Use Wormhole to enable seamless transactions and asset transfers between various blockchains within the game.
  • Potential Project: Developing games with a multichain login system and the ability to deposit assets from different blockchains. Implement an omni-chain system for in-game items, enabling players to use and transfer their items across compatible blockchains. This would provide users with greater flexibility and accessibility, enhancing the overall gaming experience.

8. Cross-chain DePIN Integration:

  • Idea: Combine Wormhole’s interoperability capabilities with Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network (DePIN) solutions to bridge the gap between isolated innovations and enable further advancements in decentralized infrastructure.
  • Wormhole Feature Utilization: Leverage Wormhole’s cross-chain bridging to seamlessly connect DePIN infrastructures across different blockchain networks, breaking the isolation and fostering collaboration and innovation.
  • Potential Project: Develop a suite of tools and functionalities for building multichain DePIN applications. This suite would empower developers to create dApps for managing physical resources, tokenizing assets, and establishing reputation systems for DePIN service providers. Additionally, explore the creation of a tokenized connectivity marketplace within DePINs, allowing users to access internet connectivity services such as mobile data and broadband across various blockchain networks. By integrating Wormhole’s interoperability features, these projects can facilitate secure transactions and service provisioning while promoting accessibility and innovation in the decentralized infrastructure space.

Here are some really cool Multichain Dapps that are built on Wormhole, that you should take a look at :

Looking for some examples/demos?

If you're looking for an in-depth walkthrough on cross-chain token bridge, check this out :

Check out this blog on Automatic Relayers :

Check out this guide regarding CCTP (Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol) :

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how you can build a Cross chain borrow lend protocol :

Here are some more tutorials on basic stuffs you can build using Wormhole :

Check out these Github repos for a number of example projects built on Wormhole :

https://github.com/wormhole-foundation/wormhole-examples, https://github.com/wormhole-foundation/xdapp-book/tree/main/projects (Read mode only), https://docs.wormhole.com/wormhole/quick-start/demos

Here is the Wormholescan API doc :

Here is the CLI doc :

Wrap Up

Wormhole serves as a vital link in the blockchain realm, providing developers with essential tools to connect different chains. This opens up a world of opportunities, from building multichain DEXes to cross-chain NFT marketplaces, and a lot more. As the blockchain landscape evolves, Wormhole remains a driving force, promoting innovation and collaboration across diverse ecosystems.

With a solid grasp of Wormhole’s capabilities and a touch of creativity, you can influence the future of decentralized finance and applications, ushering in an era of seamless cross-chain interaction.

With the right tools, resources, and imagination, the possibilities are limitless in shaping a decentralized future powered by Wormhole. This protocol has the potential to elevate your dApp to new heights. So why not dive in? :)

Anddddd that's a wrap! Keep buidling. Don't forget to touch some grass while you build amazing projects using Wormhole. Peace out!


Wormhole Official site: wormhole.com

Wormhole 101 documentation: startonwormhole.vercel.app

Wormhole Official documentation: docs.wormhole.com

Wormhole project ideas + ongoing hackathon : https://earn.superteam.fun/listings/hackathon/build-multichain-apps-using-wormhole/

Wormhole project idea blog: https://blog.superteam.fun/p/top-7-cross-chain-themes-to-build

Wormhole Deep Dive: https://blog.superteam.fun/p/the-wormhole-deep-dive-connecting

Wormhole project whitepapers: https://github.com/wormhole-foundation/wormhole/tree/main/whitepapers

Official Wormhole Foundation Github: https://github.com/wormhole-foundation

Brief Overview of Wormhole: https://youtu.be/ngnWF5widJU?si=glIJwQIZwmafznWH

Building Cross-chain application using Wormhole: https://www.youtube.com/live/jsvFKGigUfs?si=mr6vO41p-Z9gyBtq

Injective x Wormhole Workshop: https://youtu.be/ZilfQSggMN8?si=95W5GjR1wEwtHgSO

All other sources consulted are duly hyperlinked.

Follow Wormhole on YouTube, Twitter & Discord.

