Turning frustration into an opportunity

2 min readSep 18, 2018


Rayo Torres- CargoSprint Director in Mexico

Back when CargoSprint was starting up, on the very first version of our website under the “About Us” section, you could read something along the lines of “this project was built out of frustration…” Frustration for a shortfall of clear and fast answers. Frustration out of wanting to do more, but lacking the proper tools for it. Frustration because we wanted a better experience.

According to The Kybalion, “opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet…” We had our frustrating moment. Now, we were ready for a positive reaction. We stopped waiting for answers and started to develop solutions; transforming frustration, into opportunities, success and better experiences.

But…what triggered this frustration in the first place?

It all started when our CEO and founder, Joshua Wolf―back then the President of an Atlanta-based freight forwarding company―couldn’t pay same day storage charges for one of his customers, therefore running into even more storage charges. Right then and there, waiting in that cargo facility…frustration became an opportunity. That’s when he understood that a change was imminent and a solution necessary.

CargoSprint was born from that frustrating moment, when he visualized an online platform where forwarders could request and pay freight fees on the same day. No more bad experiences, since we would be making payment deliveries through a network of messengers all over the USA.

Nowadays, CargoSprint is more than a payment service; we enhance human experiences in the cargo industry. We evolved into ePayments, customized platforms and digital solutions. We invest in research, development, deployment and innovation in order to offer the best customer experience.

So next time things aren’t working as you want, stop and take your time to analyze the situation, because we know that frustration can lead into opportunities.




Enhancing experiences in the cargo industry through digital solutions