8 Reasons Not To Retire in Belize in 2021


8 Reasons Not To Retire in Belize in 2021

If you’re not used to seeing Belize retirement articles aimed at talking you out of moving to this beautiful, welcoming nation, consider this one your formal invitation to choose anywhere else in the Caribbean for your objective. Ignore the lush landscapes. Low cost of living. Friendly people. All that good stuff. Here are eight great reasons you just won’t love retiring to Belize in 2021.
1. The people are too friendly

You know how Canadians are notoriously known for being nice? Well, Belizeans are known to be warm and welcoming. But seriously, you think, they must have motives for being as nice, kind and helpful as the Belizeans living throughout the nation. Being around this many friendly people couldn’t possibly be a bad thing for your spirits.
2. The food is too fresh

Your palate has grown accustomed to frozen veggies, meat originating on other continents and prepackaged products. Relying upon produce grown nearby and available in hours rather than days — and getting used to seafood just plucked from the ocean — may be a bridge too far in terms of your health. Besides, there are no big-box stores nearby. You’ll have to rely on local markets where freshness is guaranteed.
3. Belize



Caribbean Culture and Lifestyle- Belize

CC+L: The Belize Edition is serving up expert intelligence and the most inspiring, culture and lifestyle content about Belize.