Published inThe rise of a new Ironhacker (me!)Week 4 - UI/Visual DesignHi everyone! Welcome back to my journey rising as an Ironhacker! :)Oct 5, 2017Oct 5, 2017
Published inThe rise of a new Ironhacker (me!)Week 3 - User InterfaceHello again! As I wrote last week, on my week 2 overview, I'm in the middle of a project to improve the website of “El refugio”, a…Sep 3, 2017Sep 3, 2017
Published inThe rise of a new Ironhacker (me!)Week 2 - User Research and IAHello again! After last week's intensive Google Sprint's immersion, this week was dedicated to watch closely the research process.Aug 25, 2017Aug 25, 2017
Published inThe rise of a new Ironhacker (me!)Week 1 - Google's SprintI read I lot of great posts about Google Design Sprint, besides Jake Knapp's book itself, so it's not like I'm going to create a new text…Aug 21, 20171Aug 21, 20171
Published inThe rise of a new Ironhacker (me!)Prework Final Case StudyHere I am once again writing about my experiences doing Ironhack's prework for my UX/UI bootcamp. This is, though, the last task before the…Jul 27, 20171Jul 27, 20171
Published inThe rise of a new Ironhacker (me!)Prototyping with InVisionSo, the next step of my previous exercise was creating a prototype of it using InVision.Jul 25, 2017Jul 25, 2017
Published inThe rise of a new Ironhacker (me!)Wireframing exerciseFor this exercise - almost finishing my prework for Ironhack's bootcamp, yey! - I had to create wireframes based on Emov app. Figuring out…Jul 25, 2017Jul 25, 2017
Published inThe rise of a new Ironhacker (me!)Sketch Visual Design ExerciseToday task for my Ironhack's UX/UI bootcamp prework was designing a two-screen UI using Sketch, based on a given reference.Jul 20, 20171Jul 20, 20171
Published inThe rise of a new Ironhacker (me!)Sketching notesAs part of Ironhack prework for the UX/UI bootcamp I'll be attending next August, we were told to watch this great talk by Margaret Gould…Jul 20, 20175Jul 20, 20175
Published inThe rise of a new Ironhacker (me!)Design Thinking ExerciseAs part of Ironhack's prework for the UX/UI bootcamp, I had to do this exercise for a client currently in charge of the Innovation…Jul 20, 20171Jul 20, 20171