When Will Mark Rebrand Facebook?

Carissa Lintao
5 min readOct 16, 2019

As per the title, my humble prediction is that Mark Zuckerberg will eventually rebrand Facebook, most importantly, it’s name. The dumpster fire that is currently Facebook is synonymous with hate, racism, disinformation, data breeches, and lies. Mark is dumb but he’s not stupid. Everything is in a name, and with his plans of overseeing a global currency, mind control, augmented life, and who knows what — the tainted, antiquated name “Facebook” isn’t going to fly.

Either stick with “Facebook” and overglorified messaging apps, or rebrand and innovate. In the wise words of Donald Draper:

Will it change anything internally? Maybe, maybe not. All I know is that Mark is almost single-handedly playing God in shaping the dystopian future he’s envisioning the world should live in. “Facebook” isn’t trustworthy or all encompassing enough for his vision.

Facebook is Mark, and Mark is Facebook

Tavis McGinn’s role at Facebook was to constantly monitor Mark Zuckerberg’s public image. Not Facebook’s brand image — Mark’s. He monitored many questions related to how Mark is perceived by the public, such as whether or not they liked his…

