October 25— Class

Carlos the Dwarf
3 min readMar 11, 2024


Many members of Sigma Nu didn’t return to class that semester, and in the case they did, it was often in an online format.

Most, spent their time at home, wallowing to some extent, and playing on the communal minecraft server they spun up. After a month, the server saw 20+ players and logged over 400+ hours of activity.

A meme from then

Some, though, did choose to attend class in the week that followed.

Whenever I did start going back to class and every single teacher that I had brought it up as an example to use in like a lesson or something like it wasn’t a real life situation that potentially some of their students were going through.

Shit it made me question humanity too. I remember when I came back to my psychology class, she opened up with the psychology of rape, and this one girl said “Oh I think it makes sense that all of them would participate in it.” She was like because they can why wouldn’t they. Forget the fact this girl is acting like everyone just casually ordering roofanyl but the fact she and that whole class really thought so little of humanity that they truly believed there was a group of a hundred-something men sitting around and not just complicit but all participating in planning to fucking rape people. Its ridiculous.

Yeah, this is disgusting it’s vile. It’s terrible that this is happening within our school and I agree with that and it’s frustrating because I want to be on the side where I can also say like this stuff is disgusting and it’s vile but because I was in that organization my opinion means nothing anymore.

Whenever I did start going back to classes teachers were using it in examples for their lessons and Even though I was I was living it outside and inside of school, which was the hardest thing because like As they used it in their lessons of like why we shouldn’t have Greek life anymore why a group of men shouldn’t be allowed to do this or like partner in these ways or like I Just had to kind of sit there and take it and agree with them almost because it’s like yeah You’re right. — Like this is fucked. This is extremely fucked up that this happened And I was a part of it.

I wasn’t gonna raise my hand and say hey I was a part of it too. that’s first of all social super suicide. Second of all, academic suicide. I don’t want to face the wrath of the teacher just because I was in this organization. I don’t want people to not be friends with me because I was in this organization.”

Fortunately, for all involved, the university reinstated pass/no pass for the semester.

