Carl - Editor @YouGoJapan
6 min readJul 11, 2022

How To Play Karuta — 歌留多 (5 Minute Beginner’s Guide)

Introduced to Japan by the Portuguese in the middle of the 16th century, Karuta is a deck of playing cards which are very much like a western 52 card deck.

Originally played with shells, it has now become an advanced set of card games of which varying types are played all over Japan. With many adaptations to play, these versatile playing cards can keep you entertained for a good while and have even evolved beyond the confines of the original design.

Some historical decks consist of 75 cards, some even 200, while others are just 40 in total. With a few variations, some decks even feature poetry which is read out as part of the game.

This article will introduce you to the varied and versatile world of Karuta, it will guide you in playing some of the most common games and provide a brief insight into the history of this fun Japanese pastime.

What is Karuta?

Not to be confused with the Edo period-specific armour of the same name, Karuta began as a shell matching game. The inside of clam shells were adorned with pairs of matching artful images.

Players would then take turns turning the shells to find matching pairs. Existing in a number of different forms, today, Karuta is now a Japanese card game which has been adapted and developed over centuries and is a little more complex.

There are two main formats, one being ‘Iroha Karuta’ which is considered a simpler variation aimed at younger children and consists of 96 cards (gameplay rules above).

The second being ‘Uta-Garuta’ which translates as ‘Poem Cards’ and there are 200 cards in this deck.

What do Karuta cards look like?

Cards vary from place to place and dependent on the period in which they were crafted. Made to fit in the palm of your hand, Karuta cards are adorned with traditional Japanese images of poets and proverbs, or poetry written by them.

Miniature pieces of art, in their own right, some handmade decks are beautiful to look at.

Some decks are very similar to western 52 card deck of playing cards but there are a few different variations of these to explore.

What variations of Karuta exist?

At least 9 different types of Karuta cards have existed in two categories : the first is known as ‘E-awase’ which are an originally Japanese set of card games which follow the same basic gameplay rules.

The second category is that of the cards which descended from Portuguese influence and are very much aligned with western card games in the sense that they are often split into suits and contain multiple face cards.

Each E-awase variation does have specific halves, though. Split evenly into ‘torifuda’ (grabbing) and ‘yomifuda’ (reading). Let’s take a quick look at some of these Karuta variants:

1. Obake Karuta

Beginning with the most rare, this variation of Iroha Karuta is limited to the Tokyo area of Japan and was popular among the city’s population from the Edo period, right up until the early 20th century.

Now pretty much obsolete, it is very unlikely that you will ever see this being played today but it is, nevertheless, a fascinating deck of monsters which holds the roots to mythical creatures like Godzilla.

Documented as one of the initial attempts to name and categorise creatures of myth, we can still see the links within contemporary popular culture to this day.

  • Ihora Karuta

Used as a learning game in Japanese schools, this version is created to both educate and entertain. Featuring Japanese syllables, it is also a deck worthy of exploration by those starting out learning the Japanese language.

These cards can additionally feature proverbs instead of poetry, which is, again, easier to access for the younger player. Culturally specific variants of this game: Edo, Owari and Kamigata, exist in isolation of their respective regions and differ in style rather than gameplay.

  • Ita-karuta

A simple deck which was created specifically for the competitive game entitled: ‘shimo-no ku karuta’, this type is made from wood and is somewhat rare: being found mainly in the Hokkaido region of Japan.

A relatively plain variation, words are written in Japanese calligraphy on one side and the other is left blank. This is not, however, the only competitive form.

A quick search on YouTube and you will find some examples of fiercely competitive games in which gameplay can become very intense.

  • Uta-garuta

The most recently established and commonly played of the E-awase Karuta, this variant consists of a deck of a two hundred cards. A hundred torifuda and an equal amount of yomifuda.

Matching cards have a split poem, the torifuda containing just the final few lines. This game has no changes to the general rules of gameplay (below) and has been a traditional Japanese New Year’s day game for the family, since the early years of the 20th century.

There are a small amount of additional games which are played with this set — not based in pair-matching. These use a focus on the images of the poets themselves and do not utilise the whole deck.

  • Hanafuda

Being derived from the Portuguese game, this 48 card deck is known generally as the ‘flower cards’ set. Originating in the 19th century, these cards differ somewhat from other sets.

Rather than being divided into suits of four, they are divided by the number of months in a year. They can be adorned with animals, objects or even birds. Like western decks, they are used to play a number of games which include a well-known game called ‘Koi-Koi’.

  • Kabufuda

A 40 card deck of 4 identical sets of cards: 4 per number, from numbers 1 to 10. There is a singular set of face cards for the 10s (Jacks) and these comprise a deck used mostly for gambling.

A popular game is called Oicho-Kabu and because they are so similar to western decks, it is reasonable to presume that there are many more games which can be played with this one.

  • Unsun Karuta

A variation of Karuta which contains a deck of 75 cards, this was established and developed in the latter half of the 1800s.

100 years before the opening of a modest Karuta card company with the name ‘Nintendo’ (Yes, that same multibillion dollar company…), Unsun Karuta is likely the most complex Karuta deck of all.

With five suits in the deck it is an archaic form which would be considered an antique these days and is a far cry from contemporary decks.

  • Komatsufuda

The original Japanese Karuta deck, these cards were adapted from the Portuguese playing cards of the Tensho period (1573–1592) and were even banned due to their political influence in a time when Japan was headed towards global isolation.

Craftsmen and manufacturers were forced to drop Latin influences (suits including: swords, clubs, cups and coins). This game has all but been lost in the passage of time but some rare decks can be found.

How do you play Karuta?

Here, we will focus on the general gameplay of E-awase decks. To look at the rules of Portuguese derived decks would likely take an entire book.

Basically like a game of pairs but for three players or more, the main skill is matching. Ironically, as with modern Nintendo games, players must rely on the speed of their reflexes for this one.

Hand-eye coordination is also important and the ability to perform well under pressure.

The Caller/Reader

One person is given the role of the Caller, sometimes referred to as the Reader. This is also, effectively, the role of referee throughout the game.

This play is outside general gameplay and is a neutral element of the game with the objectivity to ensure fairness.

General Gameplay

Half of the cards (torifuda) are placed, spread out between players and facing up. The Caller then chooses random cards from the other half of the deck (yomifuda), to read aloud.

Once a card is read out, players scramble to locate the matching torifuda card first. The aim of the game, much like the Japanese card game: Menko, is to obtain the most, if not all of the cards before the game comes to its conclusion.

Final Thoughts

Relatively unique to Japanese culture, Karuta card games were the founding product of one of the largest video gaming companies on the planet today.

Not just owed to the game’s Nintendo heritage, there are also a number of digital formats of Karuta, available in many app stores in the gaming world. These are immensely popular in Japan.

Arguably, however, there is nothing like the real experience of getting yourself a real deck of Karuta cards and having a game with your friends or family. With so many variations to choose from, there are even those you can learn from and teach your children.

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Carl - Editor @YouGoJapan

I have a life long passion for Japanese Culture and Travel and love to write about Japanese Culture