The mechanics of your résumé — 6 Areas You Must Watch Out For When Developing & Reviewing

Carla Deter
1 min readOct 17, 2019


Every month we personally review a large number of resumes so we are able to provide insight into how one resume compares to another job seeker and what recruiters are seeking. One thing is for sure is the mechanics of a resume can either make you or break you. We want to help! How can we help? Above are the most commonly seen errors on a resume and how to fix the errors before you send your resume out to the WWW.

Extra: Read our latest post & see the infographic that tells you the 5 Key Areas of a Resume — Get ready for 2020 [Click Here]

I appreciate the time you took out of your day to read this! You can find more articles like this from me on my blog. For other insights and actionable tips about your resume and LinkedIn profile you can find me on Twitter @FXVACarlaD and to connect with me on LinkedIn.

Originally published at on October 17, 2019.



Carla Deter

LinkedIn Profile Writer. Resume Writer. Bio. Job Search Materials / Increase Sales Leads / Get Noticed By Hiring Managers & Recruiters