Why Thinking Positive Is Always a Great Cause of Relaxation

Carla Denver
4 min readJan 24, 2020


Positive Thinking

The power of positive thinking is momentous. Negativity is a habit-forming in every person, even though thinking positive is so much easier. If you always think of negativity you’ll start to become more pessimistic. It’s okay, not everyone is always in a state of positivity. But you know what! People who tend to think more negatively, sometimes come up with the best ideas rather than who try to anticipate positivity.

You would be thinking why is that? It is because thinking negatively takes more potency and sometimes you change the worst into superb. But that doesn’t mean that for the good things to come up with you should always be a pessimist. Because most probably you won’t get what you chase.

Sometimes when you do not come up with any positive response so there’s saying I would like to share,
“The only way not to feel bad is to stop feeling everything at all”
I know it makes no sense here but if we take it in another way, for instance; why you should always think? Why? Sometimes thinking more and more either positive or negative is a great cause of stress. In fact, to much positive thinking can actually be a sign of mood disorder. So why shouldn’t we give our imagination a drop of peacefulness? What’s worse than thinking of the same thing again and again, and turning of our thoughts into habits?

Dark Side

Every soul has its inclination of being pessimistic. They pay significantly more attention to the dark side, like overthinking, disappointments, failure, etc. And for the brighter side, we just disregard it and acknowledge it as a celebration. States like pessimism and failure actually have a positive outcome.

There is something always going on in your head that is mental chatter. It’s going in your heads all the time. It’s with you around the clock, so you lead your life in spite of mantel chatter, whether you ignore it or work with it. Sometimes it prevents you from going to sleep. It’s like an uninvited guest who showed up at your house and you can’t throw it out.

But why throw it out? Is it a mess for you? If so, then if you think a little bit maybe that could be some kind of opportunity for you, maybe there could be a chance if you take it in a positive way. It’s okay if there’s no opportunity in that than try to create it.

Positive = happy life

Positive thinking is the background of the modern ideology of living a cheerful and well-heeled life. Optimists do not concentrate to look after their dead duck and construct new opportunities up to the minute. Being positive doesn’t always mean being happy or cheerful, positivity is more about one’s overall perspective on life and their tendency to focus on all that is good in life. It’s always easy to follow someone with a positive look. Thinking positively always focuses on the brighter side of life. It does not mean ignoring negative or bad situations in life. It’s about incorporating both good and bad and choosing still to be positive. It’s about accepting that one will not always be happy and should always be ready, to sum up with difficulties when they come up.


· Empower yourself: Always believe in yourself, Think of your best qualities and try to motivate yourself, like no one can do it better than you.

· Social butterfly: Don’t be a complainer, by being that you can cut yourself off from the positivity of other people.

· Learn to be assertive: Congratulate yourself, stand up in what you believe, speak up just what’s in your mind and never let yourself pressurize by someone.

· Aside from being pessimistic and optimistic: living positively does not only help you relax your mood or mind, but it also prevents you from cardiovascular diseases, mental health like depression and anxiety.

· Relaxation: Allow time for yourself to relax, if only a few minutes you get the whole day, but make sure you worth it.


Just like negative thinking, positive thinking has its own proven benefits, both physically and psychologically. The trick is to find the prom between being optimistic and being pessimistic. Remember the law of attraction “If the person thinks positive, he engages more positive moments in his life” If the person is happy with everything he has, he will get even more of that, if he pays no heed to the lack of success, his living will change into a different class. Also why do we always see the negatives in the situations? Why even dwell over something that already happened. Getting in a fluster and talking about it won’t fix anything. When something bad occurs we automatically blame ourselves. We anticipate the worst, for example, “If we see a black cat passes by us in the morning, we spontaneously assume that our entire day is going to be a dog’s dinner”.
Optimistic should light up other people’s fire so that they could have an active social life, they could be more positive about their situations.



Carla Denver

Carla is an Artist and Enthusiastic writer. She loves to write on Lifestyle, Nature and sometimes motivation.