Words weight more than swords

Carla Pisi
2 min readFeb 7, 2017


Have you ever thought about the effect of your words, either written or pronounced, on the person they are addressed to?

Well, some of you, probably, “yes” some of you probably “no”.

The question is something more than just a question, especially today which is the #SaferInternetDay.

Youth Peacebuilders Multipliers want to celebrate this day by focusing attention on the most relevant issues related to the use of internet.

For instance, men, do you feel stronger or manly by writing discriminatory and sexist comments addressed to women on the web?

Watch this inspiring TED video titled “How online abuse of women has spiraled out of control” and please share your opinion on comments!

And what’s about the dangerous and uncontrolled use of internet by children?

Parents have no time to follow them up and check what is going on, that’s why children and teens can be easily victims of crooks, fraud or else.

The last but not the least food for thoughts I want to mention is about the cyberbullying risk.

Hiding yourself behind a screen is a cowardly (but too easy) behavior that shows just insecurity and lack of integration within the society.

So well, Internet is a great and handy tool but just using it switching on your brain !!!!

“Any idiot can put up a website.” (Patricia Briccs)

