My path towards web development

From finance to music to the terminal

Carla Mendes
4 min readApr 13, 2019

So, I joined a web development Bootcamp in sunny Lisbon, Portugal.

I’m doing it right now, and I can tell you this is NOT the time to write an article (or do anything else besides eating, sleeping, coding, and trying not to panic) but I welcomed the distraction for a couple of hours.

I just felt this urge. You know the type. That urge of making your story known. Of putting it out there. Of rambling for a bit and hoping someone reads it somehow. A little bit of me floating around the cyberspace. Well, besides whatever Facebook and Google (probably!) already leaked out since I joined their services. Oh well. Modern life.

Why DID I join the Ironhack Bootcamp?

Before you ask — and I know you’re dying to — I was not miserable in my previous life, or work. I mean, I could complain, but probably shouldn't. It paid the bills, it was moderately challenging, and even if the work-life balance was not the best, it was my choice in the first place.

I just felt that I should be doing something else. Learning more. Being more productive, more passionate about what I was doing. (Ergh, passionate, I know. Such a millennial thing to say. But stay with me on this one).

I was working in Finance/Accounting/Management…. Well, whatever you want to call it, really. And I felt like, I should KNOW more by now. I should level up. Take a…



Carla Mendes

Frontend Developer by day, Musician by night. Crossfitter by choice. Passionate and honest both in life and writing.