Nu You Pilates

Carla Brown
5 min readJun 15, 2019


Hello Hertford has been busy again, out and about trying Hertford’s finest business offerings just for you. This time I’ve been attending some pilates classes at Nu You Pilates.

Nu You was established in 2010 by fitness professional Nicole Ulatowski from Hoddesdon, and has since grown to occupy two studios (one in Hertford, one in Hoddesdon) as well as running Pilates retreats in Cyprus each summer. Nicole is lovely, and although I didn’t attend any of the classes run by her personally, we had a long video call where she told me a little more about herself and the business. Initially set up by her alone, she has since made the decision to bring her husband on board and he has retrained as a Pilates instructor, in order to run the business with her. And what a success it has become! The entire Nu You team, made up of several instructors have over 50 years of experience between them and are all passionate about helping people. I was lucky enough to experience both mat and reformer classes – mat I’d done before at gyms many times, but the latter I had no knowledge of at all, so was really excited to try.

The Hertford studio is really lovely – located within part of a low long building up on Foxholes Farm (yes I did pop into the wonderful farm shop after my class!) The room itself is clean, light and airy, something like a converted barn with beams on the inside that you can see in my pictures. Kerry was teaching this class, she welcomed everybody in and came over to chat with me as I was a new face. I filled in a consent form and let Kerry know I was injury-free before we began. As Nu You operates an online booking system for all classes, the room was set up with the correct number of mats, weighted balls and resistance bands so I just had to choose a spot and settle in with my water bottle. Sometimes just getting exercise clothes on and heading out to a class makes me feel more relaxed and peaceful before I even get started on the exercises, anyone else feel the same?

Kerry was a great teacher, very attentive and made sure she got round to check on every single person, during each exercise, to ensure that we were managing ok and doing the movements correctly so as not to injure ourselves. This alone is one of the best reasons to attend a real live class rather than attempt to do it at home in front of YouTube!

I really enjoyed the class. It involved some of the exercises I have known and loved over the years of doing pilates at a gym, however the way it was delivered was very different – much more thorough and each exercise felt a little more precise and beneficial. I hadn’t used a ball in pilates before, and this brought new challenges, (being 2kg, it certainly brought an extra element into the work) however afterwards my whole body felt stretched, lengthened and about 3 inches taller. My muscles had been carefully worked, and my body stretched out more than I realised I was doing at the time. With regular practise I can see how this would be extremely beneficial to my poor hunched shoulders and neck!

Other class members were around my age and upwards, there was no pressure and everyone was very welcoming. They all had only good things to say about the class and how much they enjoyed coming to class regularly.

The reformer class was another level however! I had no idea what to expect, and no idea how to get on or off the equipment (which looks a little like a fancy rowing machine, but more complicated). Nicola led this peaceful Sunday morning class of only 4 students, and was very patient explaining the parts of the machine to me, and what I needed to use and when. It actually felt really good to use the resistance of the elastic ropes and sliders to help stretch, pull and push with my body, with weights attached to work harder on arms and legs. I felt the class was more active, harder work yet at the same time, I actually preferred it to the mat class (I really wasn’t sure at first, it looked quite scary!) so don’t let that put you off – if I can do it (weekly PE sick note for the whole of the 1990’s) anyone can.

Once you’ve created an online account with Nu You, the online booking system is very easy to use, although get in quick as classes get booked up fast, at least for the Hertfordlocation. This shows it’s very popular, but there is also a waiting list option and you are notified by email if a place becomes available.

I would certainly recommend trying out classes with Nu You, it definitely felt as though I was in professional hands, and as I said, the atmosphere was very friendly and welcoming. There are many success stories and additional testimonials on the Nu You website, including some great videos of real class attendees. I was gifted a class pass by Nicole in order to write a review of the business offering, but all views expressed here are entirely my own.

Nu You Pilates Studio locations:

27 High Street, Hoddesdon EN11 8SX

The Coach House, Foxholes Farm, Hertford SG13 7NT



Carla Brown

Hertford mum of two blogging about the wonderful town and everything it has to offer families