Identifying All Organic Pesticides For Cannabis And Their Benefits

Carley Cramer
3 min readDec 15, 2022


Organic Pesticides For Cannabis

A pesticide is a component that is used to kill organisms or insects that are harmful to plants. But the organic pesticides for cannabis are derived from organic compounds, reducing the risk of harm to the end user.

Pesticides Rooted In Nature Include:

Azadirachtin: A popular organic pesticide for cannabis, is derived from neem oil. Azadirachtin prevents harmful insects from growing and molting and prevents them from laying eggs. It is an effective treatment for harmful insects but does not control the fungal infection.

Pyrethrins: Pyrethrins whose active component is extracted from chrysanthemums an insect-killing compound found in Africa. Having low toxicity, Chrysanthemum oil has been used in horticulture for centuries as a natural pest deterrent. It can be used to kill other insects from attacking cannabis plants.

Neem Oil: This organic oil is extracted from the fruit and seeds of the neem tree. Neem oil can control many insects, like mites, and neem oil also prevents powdery mildew fungal infections. As a result, farmers routinely spray neem oil as an organic pesticide for cannabis.

Bacillus Thurengensis: Bacillus Thurengensis became popular in the 1960s. Bacillus Thurengensis was used to kill the larvae of the gypsy moth. It is an effective controller of insects in the larval stage and fungus gnats. Other strains of the bacillus are worth looking into for the organic pesticide for cannabis.

Herb oils: Many plants produce compounds oil and other substances that have the ability to kill the pest. Some Pesticides containing the oils lavender, rosemary, and mint are often used on cannabis to prevent pests.

Sugar/molasses: Sometimes Pesticides are produced with various sugars to kill the pest. This is not a preventative compound but can be used successfully as an all-natural insecticide.

Beneficial Insects For Cannabis

In nature, every single creature can be prey to another creature. There are some beneficial insects directly involved to kill the pest.

Ladybugs: Ladybugs are aggressive predators of spider mites, aphids, white flies, mealybugs, and other soft-bodied insects. According to the Planet Natural Research Center, a ladybug can eat up to 50 aphids per day. So, ladybugs can be your best organic pest control for pest insects.

Lacewings: Green lacewings are also the same as ladybugs. They feed on leafhoppers, aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, thrips, and other soft-bodied insects. Mainly the lacewings are taken and shipped as eggs. Especially the benefit is eggs can’t explode upon arrival, as some ladybugs do. Like ladybugs, lacewings can be your best organic pest control for pest insects.

Concluding Thoughts…

Basically, we can’t keep our cannabis pest free, organically. We can use beneficial insects, oil, and foliar sprays to manage the pest, and these organic pesticides for cannabis are very effective in controlling the insect in cannabis production.

