Surface Goal vs Deep Intention

Carl Lindeborg
2 min readJan 25, 2024

As human beings we grow in two ways. Either through the passing of life’s circumstances that unexpectedly ask us to stretch beyond the habitual. Or through the arise, clarification and pursue of deep authentic intentions, which leads us to tread new paths of experience.

The birth of a new year naturally correlates with the birthing of new intentions. We have all set New Year’s resolutions at some point. But it seems that most of them never bear fruit.

It may have to do with already well established and perhaps quite reactive life patterns pulling us back into the usual tracks of thinking, feeling and acting.

But it can also be that the resolution was not anchored deep enough. Not anchored in the core of your being, where it can exist quite untouched by social constructs and cultural imprinting of how you should be or what’s worth striving for.

I believe that many of us, and the world at large, today crave the activation of deep positive intentions. Intentions that can move things by power of clarity and force from within.

I also believe that deep intentions are not something smart brains figure out. Instead, they seem to arise naturally within the space of silence and reflection.

A inner state well worth cultivating in the beginning of a whole new year — a whole new cycle of life opportunity.

More on the practice of deep intention in my recent book “The Authentic Shift — Inner Development for a Changing World” (



Carl Lindeborg

Sharing reflections on personal development, leadership and the quest for a more conscious world. Author of The Authentic Shift.