Introducing Plan todo. A new way to be productive

Carlos Z. Bent
3 min readJan 19, 2022


How should I go about introducing yet another to do app? Well, first of all, I love productivity software, I use a lot of it, too much sometimes. While trying to be more productive, sometimes we go a bit overkill on the tools. I mean, I’ve used Notion to create a simple to do list, that’s way overkill.

In the search for that kind of productivity boost, I stumbled upon this book called “Getting things done”, by David Allen. It could be called the personal productivity bible. There you’ll find everything to boost yourself, highly recommended.

One of the first practical advices that the author gives, comes in the form of a diagram. One that helps to sort everything that comes into our workspace quickly, easily and coherently. It is an amazing blueprint for organizing your “stuff”, as he calls anything that suddenly comes in. You can see the diagram below 👇.

David Allen’s diagram

I hope you can appreciate it’s simplicity, yet, it is very insightful. I found it mindblowing, and immediately thought of creating a simple software to fulfill that function.

So I did.

Plan todo’s interface

This simple app will help you sort out your “stuff”. But of course, it can’t do that alone, that’d be too little of a functionality. So I spiced it up a little bit.

You can also store your “stuff” for later processing, or even track entire projects on it (that’s how I typically do it😉).

On top of that I have some very cool features lined up for the future. For example, I have to make this into a PWA , ASAP.

Currently, the app is intended for desktop usage, not mobile. The layout is responsive, but that is for two reasons:
1. For you to be able to use it on the side of another window, like your text editor (AKA, multitasking).
2. To sratch my personal itch. I can’t stand to see an unresponsive website😅 (OCD they call it).

But, as I said, currently.

I put serious effort into making the UI as pleasant and satisfying as possible, so I hope you enjoy it. The main functionality is what I described earlier, but being an unfamiliar concept, you’ll find detailed instructions on the app itself, and a quick look to the usability on my Twitter.

I’ll be posting more content about the development process and the future of Plan todo, so if you want more of this, follow me on Twitter, or directly join the Telegram community. You’ll find some more links at

I honestly hope you folks enjoy this, I made it with the productivity people in mind and will appreciate all feedback. All contact channels are open for you.

Thanks for your attention!



Carlos Z. Bent

Software developer and writer sharing my journey and looking for cool people to connect and grow with. Fan of creativity and technology above all else.