Ditch Your To Do List! — Do These 4 Things Instead

Carlos Caro
3 min readAug 25, 2022

An Unpopular Way To Get More Done

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I don’t like being told what to do. Even when it’s me telling me to do it.

That’s why I’m not a fan of to do lists.

I’m an executive at a fintech company, and I have more to do than I could do even if I worked 24/7.

Focusing on the right things and prioritizing my time is essential to my success. I don’t rely on to do lists for that.

The Dark Side Of To Do Lists

The to do list is engrained as a foundational productivity tool. But, I experience very real drawbacks when staring at a piece of paper with a task list.

They sap my creativity — When I’m cranking out my to do list, I’m in action mode. My brain ignores priority and efficiency, and focuses on execution.

My best ideas come when I have an informal conversation, take a walk, or even space out a little. To do lists do the opposite and turn me into a hustle monkey.

They demotivate me— In my work, to do lists get longer, not shorter each day. That makes me feel like I’ve gotten negative work done.

There’s always the next email to respond to, or the next meeting to prepare for. This is disrupts my motivation at a deep level.



Carlos Caro

Writes about business, fintech, LinkedIn, entrepreneurship, and life lessons from poker.