To gate or not to gate (your content)? 12 things to consider.

Carlos Abler
16 min readApr 15, 2019

Do you have an online publication or other content that you are considering gating? And by ‘gating’ we mean, requiring your audience to provide an email and/or other information in order to access the content.

Perhaps you have a blog that as proven viability with your audiences, and you would like to leverage it to drive more value. Perhaps;

  • You want to turn unknown visitors and readers into knowns humans and build your contact database.
    Great idea! Why let all of those anonymous people disappear into the void after they have lapped up your content goodness? That would be a bad idea.
  • You want to create a seductive lure for GDPR friendly opt-ins.
    Good for you! Subscription properties are high-permission/high-trust. And their longer-term subscriber commitment is a brilliant way to offset more short-term campaign-based opt-ins that may have regulated mandatory permission expirations. Content Marketing Strategists have been telling you for years that campaign based engagement is the fast-food of marketing versus the Ever-lasting Gobstoppers or subscription relationships. It seems EU regulators want to force you to finally adopt our good advice. Good for them!
  • You want to enrich your first-party database for more insights.
    Who doesn’t want that? Subscription…



Carlos Abler

Content marketing leader, sustainable business strategist, artist, philosopher, public speaker, working on behalf of the Light side of The Force.