The Toxic Effects of Narcissistic Behaviour on Instagram and How to Combat Them

Carlos Felipe F Fonseca
2 min readMar 27, 2023


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As someone who doesn’t post on Instagram but enjoys scrolling through the platform to keep up with friends, family, and interests, I’ve noticed a concerning trend that I think is worth addressing. Some users seem to be on Instagram primarily for validation and attention at any cost, even if it means attracting negative feedback. This self-centred behaviour affects the individuals engaging in it and the broader Instagram community.

As an observer, I’ve seen how Instagram has become an integral part of people’s lives, enabling them to interact with others, share experiences, and express their interests. Seeking appreciation and attention is a natural human desire, but some users go to extremes, prioritising approval and even pursuing negative attention to stay in the limelight.

This narcissistic behaviour can trigger a chain reaction, causing others to feel pressured to present idealised lives or indulge in attention-seeking behaviours. Consequently, a cycle of comparison and feelings of inadequacy emerges within the community, fostering a toxic atmosphere where negative attention is perceived as better than being overlooked.

Even as a non-poster, there are steps we can take to help create a healthier Instagram environment that emphasises authenticity, vulnerability, and empathy:

  1. Engage with genuine content: Encourage and interact with those who share real, unfiltered content. By doing so, we can contribute to a more positive and inclusive atmosphere on Instagram, creating a space where authenticity is valued.
  2. Foster meaningful connections: Instead of focusing solely on following accounts that project a utopian lifestyle, let’s focus on genuinely connecting with others and celebrating their authentic selves. This approach can help transform Instagram into a more empathetic and enjoyable space for everyone.
  3. Practice empathy: By putting ourselves in the shoes of our fellow Instagram users, we can better understand their emotions and experiences. This awareness can help us make more informed decisions about the content we engage with, contributing to a more supportive online community.
  4. Embrace vulnerability: A key authenticity component is a willingness to show our vulnerabilities. By sharing our struggles, setbacks, and unfiltered moments on Instagram, we humanise ourselves and create opportunities for deeper connections with others. Vulnerability fosters empathy, understanding, and a sense of community, shifting the focus from seeking validation to offering genuine support and encouragement. As more people embrace openness, the Instagram experience becomes more enriching and nourishing for everyone involved.

While Instagram can be a fantastic tool for connecting with others and keeping up with various interests, being aware of the potential pitfalls of narcissistic behaviour is crucial. By embracing authenticity, empathy, and support, we can enhance our online experience and contribute to a more compassionate and connected world.



Carlos Felipe F Fonseca

Personal Growth Seeker | 23+ Yrs in Tech | AI Lover | Multi-Book Author | Patents Holder | Sharing insights & stories on life, learning, & innovation.