The Role Model Effect: How Your Heroes Shape Your Values and Identity

Carlos Felipe F Fonseca
3 min readApr 11, 2023


One of life's most crucial skills is choosing wisely what you pay attention to. Your attention is a precious resource that determines the quality of your thoughts, emotions, and actions. It also shapes your perception of reality and your sense of identity. What you pay attention to can either empower or limit you, inspire or discourage you, enrich or impoverish you.

There are so many sources of information and stimulation in the modern world, from social media to news outlets to entertainment platforms. But how do you decide what to pay attention to? How do you filter out the noise and focus on the signal? How do you discern what is relevant and valuable from what is irrelevant and harmful?

One way to do this is to be mindful of the people you listen to or follow. The people you surround yourself with greatly influence your mindset, beliefs, and behaviours. They can either support your growth and well-being or hinder them. They can either challenge you to improve yourself or drag you down to their level. They can either offer you constructive feedback or feed you with false praise or criticism.

In this context, it’s important to remember that what you pay attention to, who you follow, whom you are friends with, and who you admire speaks volumes about your character and values. By consciously choosing the influences in your life, you shape your experiences and define who you are as a person.

Therefore, you want to listen to or follow people who have the qualities and achievements that you aspire to have. People who have the knowledge and experience that you want to learn from. People who have the values and principles that resonate with yours.

But how do you find such people? One way is to look for evidence of their credibility and authenticity. You want to look for people with a track record of success and excellence in their field. People with a reputation of integrity and honesty in their dealings, who have a consistent and coherent message that aligns with their actions.

Another way is to look for diversity and variety in their perspectives and opinions. People who have different backgrounds and experiences from yours. People who have different viewpoints and insights from yours, who have different strengths and weaknesses from yours.

By listening to or following such people, you can expand your horizons and learn new things. You can challenge your assumptions and biases and discover new possibilities. You can enhance your skills and abilities and overcome your limitations.

But listening to or following such people is not enough. Ideally, you have to be critical and selective in what you accept or reject from them. You need to know your goals and values and how they align or conflict with theirs. You need to be open-minded but not gullible, curious but not naive, respectful but not submissive.

By doing this, you can avoid being influenced by people with ulterior motives or hidden agendas. You can avoid being influenced by people who have misinformation or disinformation. You can avoid being influenced by people who have prejudices or questionable intentions.

What you pay attention to, the people you listen to or follow, and everything else you let influence your decisions in life are critical factors that affect your happiness and success. By choosing wisely what you pay attention to, by listening to or following people who are credible, authentic, diverse, and varied, and by being critical and selective in what you accept or reject from them, you can improve your quality of life and achieve your potential.



Carlos Felipe F Fonseca

Personal Growth Seeker | 23+ Yrs in Tech | AI Lover | Multi-Book Author | Patents Holder | Sharing insights & stories on life, learning, & innovation.