Screenshot from the ending sequence of the game.

The Youtuber Pannenkoek2012 has accomplished a significant milestone for the gaming community by finishing Super Mario 64 without using the A button. This feat has been a difficult goal for almost 20 years. This achievement, which is known as the Super Mario 64 A Button Challenge, was made on the Wii Virtual Console edition of the game, becoming the first instance in which the game has been defeated in such a demanding manner.

In Super Mario 64, jumping is a fundamental aspect of the platforming and enemy-defeating gameplay, and it requires the pressing of the A button. That being said, players have been enthralled with the task of finishing the game without using the A button since the early 2000s; in fact, one of the earliest known efforts was made in 2006. The challenge’s intricacy and difficulty have prevented it from being completed up until this point.

The difficult “Bowser in the Fire Sea”

Pannenkoek used a range of well-known exploits and strategies found by speedrunning gurus including Mr. Robert Z, Bottles704, Thiago Trujillo, Mp16z, and bobmario511 to complete the extremely difficult and creative task. Without the vital jump feature, Pannenkoek was nevertheless able to beat adversaries and go through the game’s stages thanks to these strategies.

Not including the lengthy training runs Pannenkoek completed in beforehand, the race itself took an incredible 86 hours to finish. Pannenkoek had nearly finished the game with just one button click eight months earlier, indicating the level of commitment and tenacity needed for this task.

Pannenkoek’s triumphant journey started on May 18 and concluded on May 21. A minimum of 70 stars have to be gathered to advance to the challenge’s last level, “Bowser in the Sky.” After almost 85 hours, Pannenkoek eventually defeated Bowser at this point, ending the game at 86 hours, 48 minutes, and 30 seconds.

Pannenkoek’s achievement has raised the bar for speedrunning and self-imposed gaming challenges, piqueing the interest and admiration of players everywhere. Pannenkoek will surely go down in Super Mario 64 history as one of the most notable achievements as the gaming community pushes the envelope of what is conceivable.

