Do You Know Mushrooms?

Carolyn Yin
2 min readAug 12, 2019


Here is Delicious Freeze Dried Vegetables manufacturer talking about mushrooms.

If you have any idea about Fd Shiitake Mushroom, welcome to contact us and discuss.

The overall edible part is that the mushroom fruit body, and also the brand new mushroom is dried to make a dried shiitake mushroom, which can be suitable for transport and preservation, also is a significant north-south freight. Dried fresh mushrooms are frequently utilized in Oriental cuisine. From the 3 tastes, shiitake mushrooms frequently appear as among these. From fasting, mushrooms can also be among the raw materials.

The fruiting bodies of these mushrooms are solitary, clustered or clustered, and the fruiting bodies are moderate to large. Capsule diameter 5–12cm, occasionally around 20cm, hemispherical when young, horizontal to slightly flattened, surface diamond, light brown, dark brown to deep cinnamon, the center often has black scales, and the borders are usually dirty White hairy or flocculent scales.

The flesh is white, somewhat thick or thick, so blossom and fine. Whether it’s young, it’s curled in the border and contains white or yellow-white stripes, which hastens expansion. There’s a curtain below the cap and it ruptures to form an incomplete loop. Following the cooked, the cover advantage is rolled back and cracked. The stipe is usually tight, white, curved, and 3–8 cm long, 0.5–1.5 (2) cm thick, with all ciliated scales beneath the ring, fibrous, strong inside. The ring of germs is not difficult to vanish and white. The spores are all printed in white. The spores are sleek, colorless, elliptical to oblong, 4.5–7 x 3–4 μm, and spore-reproductive. The dinuclear hyphae have a lock-like institution.

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