The Importance of Wire Framing Apps

Carl Parm
2 min readJul 17, 2020


Something that Flatiron preaches is the benefit of wire framing your applications before you ever start writing code. When the concept was originally introduced, it seemed like a time consuming task that was taking away valuable time from actually programming. However, this could not be further from the truth

What is Wire Framing

A wireframe is essentially a blueprint for your web application. Wireframes outline how both the frontend and backend components of an application will be laid out. Wireframes are also great for designing the relationships of the backend and envisioning how the frontend UI will be laid out. Here’s an example of a wireframe looks like.

Benefits of Wire Framing

One of the biggest benefits of creating a wireframe of your application is that you can easily identify possible problems before you start writing code. Many times during my Flatiron experience out coaches would identify issues with our application structure just based on our wireframes. This allowed us to easily change the application structure before we would have to rewrite our code. A second benefit is that it allows you to see your application from a 10,000ft view. It lets you see how your application will function and gives you a great starting point for building your app.

