My Freelancing Journey — Episode #8 (UpWork Premium)

Carl Weisman
2 min readFeb 14, 2017


Who knew? After just a couple of weeks on UpWork, and only one paying gig, I received this email from UpWork.

Apparently there’s this thing called UpWork Premium. Ostensibly it gives certain UpWork freelancers an opportunity to bid on special projects. These are projects that are longer term, higher value and/or associated with Fortune 500 companies. It doesn’t cost anything but you do have to apply and get accepted.

What does it take to get accepted and actually have an opportunity at these premium gigs? Well I’m still figuring that out. I know for sure you have to conduct a Skype interview with an UpWork employee, which I did. It was painless. Ten minutes of chit-chat with a very nice person who just wants to get to know you. Apparently there’s some test you have to take too. Stay tuned.

More importantly, why did I even receive the email in the first place? I have no idea. If you believe the email it’s because I have impressive work history and a degree from a top university. I wonder which one that is?

I have to admit the thought of getting one of these premium gigs sounds pretty enticing. I’ll follow it through to the end and report back.

Until next time.

Originally published at Too Young To Retire.

