Taking the Plunge — Tony Robbins, Here I Come

Carly Knapp
3 min readMar 10, 2019


Synchronicity —

“The coincidental occurrence of events and especially psychic events that seem related but are not explained by conventional mechanisms of causality.”

It’s basically the positive version of when it rains it pours.

You become aware of something, perhaps you are working towards it, studying it, desiring it or avoiding it.

Whatever it is, there is this thing that keeps coming up and presenting itself to you. Some say it happens because you are more aware of its presents — it was always there but you never noticed it.

Although I think there is definitely some truth to this, there is something to be said about fate, timing, manifestation and putting things out in to the universe. But that’s just the wuwu in me. If you care to indulge, here we go.

Tony Robbins has been my synchronicity lately. First it was podcasts that were recommended by a friend. Then it was a book on investing, a YouTube video, a random quote or an in person run in (by my husband at his data driven health clinic, Forward.)

As someone who is wanderlust for wellness, I am always interested in self improvement. Therefore, Tony Robbin’s work definitly gets me going. He was a bigger than life character who had radical concepts and life altering conferences. I just never thought I would go to one.

Then the invitation came.

Patrick Farrell is an inspirational friend and a fearless leader of the location-independent professionals, preferably known as Digital Nomads. In a group chat, he shared the news. Tony Robbins was doing his epic conference, Unleash the Power Within, in Los Angeles where I was currently staring.

Patrick organized a group of movers and shakers to attend the conference. Although I didn’t know anyone in the group, I felt that the opportunity was synchronicity knocking.

I asked my husband to join but he was going on a snowboarding trip with his buds. That meant a weekend alone for me in a new city without friends or family (Tips for L.A. Newbies).

I had friends who looked into the conference a few years back so I anticipated a ticket to be at least 2 grand. To my surprise, I was able to get an upgraded seat for $695.

A group of fellow inspirational junkies, a reduced rate ticket and a weekend screaming for attention. It was synchronicity at its finest. I was in.

Next weekend is when it is going down. I am super excited, super nervous yet super sure it is what I am destined to do.

Sometimes we ignore synchronicity. We write it off to coincidence or just being in our heads. We discount the inner workings of the world.

When we believe we are not special enough or smart enough to be intuitive, we miss out on life in so many ways. We think that other people are more special or smarter than us and that is why they have live’s that we envy when in reality they are simply acting on life’s invitations.

Today’s takeaway — Don’t discount synchronicity. When something is practically slapping you in the face, don’t let it turn your cheek.

Face the day and don’t get in life’s way.

Follow me home … www.CarlyKnapp.com



Carly Knapp

I’m a self-improvement junkie always on the hunt to be healthier. Screw being perfect. Let’s just be better.