The Road To Hell Is Paved With Modern Conveniences

Carmella Guiol
5 min readFeb 3, 2020

A Little Struggle Never Hurt Nobody

Photo by Negative Space from Pexels

When my husband and I moved to Puerto Rico, we purposefully chose a neighborhood in San Juan that’s close to his office. As a plus, this neighborhood happens to be near the beach, several supermarkets, and an array of hipster hangouts (coffee shops, yoga studios, “cake studio,” etc.). We vacillated back and forth on the topic of buying a car; we really didn’t need it on a daily basis, but seeing as Puerto Rico’s public transportation options are on par with Miami’s (e.g. terrible), we figured it would be handy to have a vehicle in order to access the greater San Juan metro area and adventure around the island.

We bought the first car we looked at and while it’s taken us on some pretty awesome weekend wanderings, it mostly sat parked on our street, unused. At first. But as the weeks went by, we started to use the car for little trips around the neighborhood that we’d normally make walking or biking. First, it was if the weather was bad. But then, if we needed to pick something up from the office on the weekend or if I plainly didn’t feel like walking to the supermarket, we’d take the car. Over time, it became so much more inconvenient to walk or bike; it was just so much easier to drive. I didn’t really like paying for parking when I went to My husband’s office by car, but I didn’t give much…



Carmella Guiol

Memoirist for hire. I think and write a lot about life in the digital landscape. Sign up for my newsletter: //