Learn On-The-Go with Quizlet

Carmen Zhang
7 min readMar 18, 2018


Image Source: Google Play

Are you someone who is easily anxious when studying? Or perhaps uncertain if you understand all the materials you have reviewed? Well, I am one of those people and I can totally understand how you feel when you are studying for a test, quiz, midterm or exam. I get anxious even on my way to do my exams. Although I have study throughout the week or even all night by reading over the textbook and my notes, I am still not sure if I understood and learned all the materials I needed.

Oftentimes to reassure myself, sometimes I make flashcards and test myself on the bus or I would have a friend test me. However, things have been so much simpler after my discovery of Quizlet. With Quizlet I am able to quiz myself anytime and anywhere I want.

Many of you may ask … What is Quizlet?

Well, Quizlet is an online application study tool that allows you to create study sets that turn into flashcards, tests, and study games. The following features is to help engage and improve ones learning ability to study more efficiently. The study tool is widely available to students, teachers and the public for free. The study tool is accessible online at www.quizlet.com or you can download their mobile app in the Apple Store or Google Play and quiz yourself on the go.

In addition, if you are interested in more features and study modes you can upgrade your account to Quizlet Plus with $19.99 USD/year subscription.

How do you use Quizlet?

Quizlet is very simple and easy tool to learn how to use.

Just follow these steps!

1 ) Go to www.quizlet.com or download Quizlet on in your mobile app store.

2 ) Next, click “Sign Up” on the top right corner or on your mobile screen tap on “Sign up for free”.

Image Source: Screenshot from Quizlet

3 ) After you have signed up, go to “Create” on the left side corner or on the top of your mobile screen “Create a new study set”.

Image Source: Screenshot from Quizlet

4 ) Once you create a new study set, title your set and put in your terms and definitions in. If you want to add terms click “+ Add Card” or to delete terms, click on the “garbage can” next to the term or on mobile swipe to get the garbage can. If you want to move the orders of the term, just “drag” the box.

Image Source: Screenshot from Quizlet
Image Source: Screenshot from Quizlet

5 ) Also, remember to set the language to “English” or the correct language of your materials. You can do that by clicking “Choose language” under the term boxes.

Image Source: Screenshot from Quizlet

6 ) Optional Step: If you only want your set to be seen only by you, click “change” under visible to “everyone” to switch it to visible to “me”. Or if you want your set to be edited by other people click “change” under edible by “me” to “people with password” or “certain class”.

Image Source: Screenshot from Quizlet

7 ) After you are done with your set, click the “Create” box on the top right corner or bottom of your set.

Image Source: Screenshot from Quizlet

8 ) Well done! You have created a study set. How easy was that?! Now lets explore all the features! On your “Latest Activity” OR “Your Study Sets”, click on the study set you have just created. After you have click on your study set on the top you will see the following available features: Learn, Flashcards, Write, Spell, Test, Match and Gravity.

Image Source: Screenshot from Quizlet

If you click on “Learn” it will test you your study set in a multiple choice format.

Image Source: Screenshot from Quizlet

If you click on “Flashcards”, it will turn your terms and definitions into a flashcard. The term will be on one side and the definition on the other. All you got to do to flip the flashcard is to click or tap. To move to the next card or go back to the previous card just press the arrow button.

Image Source: Screenshot from Quizlet

If you go on to “Write”, it will give you a term or definition and you have to type in your answer. The only con to this method is that you have to type in the exact same answer you have in your study set or else it’s counted as wrong BUT you can “override” the answer. So if you happen to have the wording wrong or format wrong but you answered correctly, you can override that and it will be counted as correct.

Image Source: Screenshot from Quizlet

For the feature “Spelling”, you need to type what you hear, and what you hear will be either the term or definition. Then one of the other will be under the answer box that gives you a hint to the answer.

Image Source: Screenshot from Quizlet

As for “Test”, it is the best feature. It allows you to test yourself and format the test how you want it to be. Just click on “options” and you can have your test to be formatted in multiple choice, true and false, written or/and matching. In addition, you can choose how many questions you want your test to have and how you want to answer the questions with terms or the definition. As well you can also print out your test. Pretty cool right?

Image Source: Screenshot from Quizlet

As for Match and Gravity, they are study games. “Match” is a game where terms and definitions are scattered randomly and you have to match the correct term to the right definition by clicking the two. The Match game is fun as you are timed and you get a score, as well this game helps you learn. If you get the term or definition wrong it helps you pay more attention to each term and definition.

Image Source: Screenshot from Quizlet

As for “Gravity”, the term or definitions are incoming asteroids and you have to type in the answer for the following term or definition BEFORE the asteroid touches your planet. If you get the answer wrong, it will make you type in the answer before continuing the game. In addition you can choose the level of difficulty for this game!

Image Source: Screenshot from Quizlet

Additional Tips and Tricks

Some additional tips and tricks that are optional are…..

  • Create your study sets on your computer or laptop first then access it on your phone, as some settings such as moving the orders of your set is unavailable on the app.
  • You can bold words in your study sets. Just enter * <word>*.
  • You can enter diagrams and images or record your voice in your study sets. Just click on the image icon and recording icon.
Image Source: Screenshot from Quizlet
  • You can find other people’s study sets that they set out to the public. Just search a keyword.
Image Source: Screenshot from Quizlet

For example: Ryerson University

Image Source: Screenshot from Quizlet
  • There are keyboard shortcuts! On your study set just press on the keyboard icon.
Image Source: Screenshot from Quizlet
  • Also STUDY ON THE GO! Download the app and test yourself before your exam perhaps on bus or on your car ride to school. However, don’t use your phone or the app if your walking and crossing the road OR driving to school. Be safe please. Studying is important but your safety is first priority.

Check out my study set!

Lastly, check out one of my study sets. This study set is made for my course EID100. It is set publicly so just click “EID100 Quizlet”. If you have not created a study set yet, try using my study set and play around with the features and tools I just taught you how to use. Let me know if you found it useful and try the app on your phone too! :)

Image Source: GIPHY

Thank you for reading this post.

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