Netiquette — The Do’s and The Don’ts

Carmen Zhang
4 min readJan 21, 2018



Every day we are always online and using the internet on our phones, laptops or tablets whether it is for school, work or personal use. We become so comfortable and free online that we often forget our manners and naturally form bad habits. These bad habits often leave traces and can create problems we do not want. To avoid future problems, it is essential to follow etiquette rules on the internet which is also known as netiquette.

If you don’t know much about netiquettes, here are some proper do’s and don’ts for proper netiquette.

1. Do be respectful

Remember there are real people behind those screens and not everyone have the same opinions as you. If you were to disagree with someone’s opinion, do it respectively, no need to call names, use inappropriate language or threaten them. You should respect others opinions just like you would do so in real life.

2. Do read the code of conduct.

Many online forms and social network you visit have their code of conduct which outlines certain social rules, norms and responsibilities that users should follow. In other words, it is a guide to how users online should behave.

3. Do remember that all your posts are public.

Your posts can be read by anyone, it could be your employer, your siblings or your parents. What you post online could contain a bad habit of yours, as a result will leave traces because everything you post online stays online forever. What you post online will forever follow you, so remember to think before you post.


4. Do be cautious of what you post.

Your post can be read and interpreted in different ways by others. The online world is different from the real world. Your words online do not come with facial expressions, or body language as a result your words can be easily misinterpreted. Some ways to avoid misinterpretation from others is to avoid using all capital letters, sarcasm and offensive language. As well try to re-read your post and put yourself as the person receiving the message. Make sure your words get delivered correctly and with proper grammar.

5. Don’t spam

Spamming is not cool. Do not do it. It is better to be straight to the point with what your posting and sending. If you are spamming somewhere to someone, you know it is annoying right? It is like someone repeating something to you next to your ears wherever you go. It could also get you in trouble in some sites as it is a common rule in the code of conduct, again do not spam. It is unwanted.


6. Don’t plagiarize or steal.

If something does not belong to you don’t take it. If you were to borrow it then credit them. If you are taking something off the internet, the chances are they are all copyrighted which you don’t own the rights to. Many sites are strict about this and it does not look pretty if you are caught with plagiarism. Legal action could be taken and you could be sued. You may also be kicked out of school or get fired from work. You don’t want that to happen so simply just don’t do it.

7. Don’t be a bully and gossip or bad mouth others.

Do not share stories or rumors that aren’t true. Even if it is true, it doesn’t have to be shared with circles of people. You might think that gossiping online is easier since you are behind a screen but you could still be caught. Gossiping and bad mouthing about others online is a form of cyberbullying. There are legal consequences that you could face and it could cause emotional pain to the person you are gossiping about. Please put yourself in the persons shoes before gossiping online.

Following these simple proper netiquettes will certainly provide you and other social users a more enjoyable experience and interaction in the online community. Although I am not your mother, I want you to watch your manners when you are online and remind yourself about these rules today.

