How to Gamify and Level Up your Conversation Skills

Carmen Chow
5 min readApr 7, 2018

As an avid gamer, I have a tendency to gamify things in my life — I use EpicWin to track my to-do list, I motivate my partner to do chores with rewards, encourage said system to be used upon me, use my mpg meter to drive more efficiently, etc…

When I organized my conversation tactics into a game, a lot of my clients (many of them gamers as well) can see how everything fall into place better. So I’d like to share it with you, in hopes you can see how bettering your conversation skills can be as fun as a game.

Many of my clients experience anxiety from feeling “defeated” in conversations. They feel overlooked, stuck, silly, embarrassed and their anxiety points increase accordingly. This is a normal response to think you’re not good at something because you’ve never had a good experience with it.

Anxiety increases when you feel “defeated” at conversations.

But when they have a good experience, it naturally helps alleviate that anxiety. Once they achieve a surplus of “wins,” they’ll have less anxiety, and become more socially confident.

So how do you get better at this game? Wait, how do you play it?

I’m including a basic version here. Let’s take a look!

The Game



Carmen Chow

I enjoy making conversations less painful. Conversationalist and artist at