3 min readJun 9, 2024
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When it comes to cycling gear, there’s one piece that stands out from the rest — cycling bib shorts. These comfortable, form-fitting wonders have become an essential part of any serious cyclist’s arsenal. But have you ever stopped to think about why most cycling bibs are black? It’s a question that has puzzled many a cycling enthusiast, and today, we’re going to delve into the mystery behind this seemingly innocuous color choice.

First things first — let’s talk about the history of cycling bibs. The first cycling shorts were designed in the late 19th century by Frenchman Paul Barbe, who created a linen garment with padding to protect riders from chafing and discomfort during long hours on their bicycles. Over time, materials evolved, and so did the design — but one thing remained constant: the black color.

So, why are cycling bibs black? The answer lies in practicality. Black is an excellent choice for several reasons:

  1. Hides dirt and grease: As any serious cyclist knows, repairing a bike can get messy. Grease and grime tend to accumulate on the shorts, making them look dull and stained. But with black bibs, these imperfections become less noticeable, allowing riders to focus on their performance rather than worrying about the state of their gear.
  2. Camouflage: Black is an excellent color for hiding minor stains and dirt, thanks to its high contrast against most road surfaces. This means that even if you’ve got a few scuffs or scratches on your shorts, they’ll blend in seamlessly with the surroundings — giving you the confidence to focus on your ride.
  3. Easy cleaning: Black bibs are also incredibly easy to clean. Whether you’re using a washcloth and some mild soap or tossing them in the washing machine, the dark color makes it simple to remove dirt and stains without worrying about discoloration or fading.
  4. Practicality: Let’s be honest — cycling can get messy! Black bibs are a practical choice for riders who don’t want to worry about ruining their gear with mud, grass, or other substances that might find their way onto the shorts.

Of course, there are some cyclists who prefer brighter colors or patterns on their bibs. And while those options do exist, black remains the most popular choice for several reasons:

  1. Classic look: Black is a timeless choice that never goes out of style. It’s a classic color that pairs well with almost any outfit or bike.
  2. Versatility: Whether you’re racing, commuting, or just taking a leisurely spin around the neighborhood, black bibs are versatile enough to fit in seamlessly with most riding styles.
  3. Professional look: In professional cycling circles, black is often seen as a symbol of professionalism and seriousness — making it an excellent choice for riders who want to project a certain image.

In conclusion, while there may be some debate about the aesthetic appeal of black bibs, their practicality and functionality make them an excellent choice for cyclists of all levels. Whether you’re a casual rider or a serious competitor, black bibs are an investment worth considering — after all, who wants to worry about stained shorts when they should be focusing on the road ahead?