How do you fill your time?

Tisha Alyssa
3 min readJun 13, 2023


Hello, friend. :)

How time flies! Here we stand in a new season of my life, with words flowing from my heart to yours.

How are you?

Until this point in my life, the demands of completing my thesis and saying goodbye to my college days consumed my every moment. Now, I await for my graduation which should come around July.

These days, there have been fleeting moments when I pause, marveling at the sheer incredulity of it all. A mix of emotions swirl within me, as both excitement and anxiety stirs my spirit and beckons me towards uncharted horizons. Yet, there is still much to figure out.

My heart brims with inspiration. Projects to pursue fill up my Notion pages, each with its own allure that I cannot decide which to begin first.

I have also made attempts at applying for certain jobs, though I still feel a certain reluctance. I admit, I am one who loves to be my own boss and be in control of my own time and direction.

In this chapter of my life, it is this realization that has proved to be my guiding light: the understanding of what I truly desire.

And what I truly desire is this: to immerse myself in creative pursuits that will empower me to invest further in my beloved bookshop and dive into the writing projects that I would love to pour my heart and time to.

How delightful it is to stand in this season where I finally get to choose how to fill my time.

But here, too, is where wisdom is most needed. For the world, in its vastness, offers us with infinite possibilities of what we can do and who we can be. Yet we cannot surrender ourselves to every call.

The choices we make matters. What we say yes to, and consequently what we say no to, matters.

So today, allow me to remind you, then, of this simple truth:

You get to choose how to fill your time. Nothing in this world can ever take that power from you.

So, how do you fill your time?

Take a look at your calendar, or perhaps even just for a day, get a blank note and record what unfolds every hour of your day.

Do these things align with what truly matters to you?

In the end, my prayer is that you get to fill your life with things that give you, and the people around you, life. That your work get to reflect most truly what is in your heart.

This is all the world needs. And this, I believe, is where our Father takes delight in.

For this is how we truly live fully, the way He created us to: not burdened with futile toil, but create things that are good, filled with purpose and, above all, love.

I’ll be seeing you,

Tisha xx

