C# 12.0 — Top 5 Features in the new C# Version

Carol Reed
4 min readJan 4, 2024
C# game development

C# is a popular programming language used by developers worldwide to build software applications, including games. Microsoft, the company behind C#, regularly releases new versions of the language with new features and improvements. The latest preview version of C# is C# 12.0, which includes several exciting new features that improve productivity and performance. In this blog, we will explore the top 5 features in the new C# version.

Primary Constructors:

Primary constructors are a new feature in C# 12.0 that simplify the process of creating and initializing objects in C#. They allow developers to define the constructor parameters directly in the class declaration, making the code more concise and readable. Primary constructors can be used in non-record classes and structs, and they can also be used with inheritance. Here is an example:

In this example, we define a primary constructor for the Person class with two parameters, name and age. We also define two properties, Name and Age, using the init accessor, which allows the properties to be set only during object initialization.

Using Declarations:

Using declarations are another new feature in C# 12.0 that simplify the process of working with disposable objects. They allow developers to declare and initialize disposable objects in a single statement, making the code more concise and readable. Using declarations also automatically dispose of the object when it goes out of scope. Here is an example:

In this example, we declare and initialize a FileStream object using a using declaration. The object is automatically disposed of when it goes out of scope.

Field Interpolation in String Literals:

Field interpolation in string literals is a new feature in C# 12.0 that allows developers to include field values in string literals using the $ character. This feature simplifies the process of creating formatted strings and makes the code more concise and readable. Here is an example:

In this example, we define a Person class with two properties, Name and Age. We also override the ToString method to return a formatted string that includes the values of the Name and Age properties.

Lambda Improvements:

Lambda improvements are a set of new features in C# 12.0 that improve the performance and readability of lambda expressions. These features include default values for lambda expression parameters, inferred tuple names, and improved type inference. Here is an example:

In this example, we define a lambda expression that takes two parameters, x and y, with a default value of 1 for y. We also use the Func delegate to define the lambda expression’s signature.

Improved Pattern Matching:

Improved pattern matching is a new feature in C# 12.0 that simplifies the process of working with patterns in switch statements. It allows developers to use patterns in case labels, making the code more concise and readable. Here is an example:

In this example, we define a switch statement that checks the type of an object using pattern matching in case labels. If the object is a string, we print the string. If the object is an integer, we print the integer. Otherwise, we print “Unknown type”.

Final Words

C# 12.0 includes several exciting new features that improve productivity and performance. These features include primary constructors, using declarations, field interpolation in string literals, lambda improvements, and improved pattern matching. These features make C# an even more powerful language for C# Mobile Game Development Services. With connectivity with .NET Framework 4.8.1, developers can leverage these features to create efficient and flexible code for games and other software applications.



Carol Reed

I'm a gaming enthusiast and a game developer, who loves to write and read gaming content.