Flying With The Wind

Carol Freire
1 min readFeb 3, 2019
Photo by Zoe Ella Mumford on Unsplash

When I was young

I would play with the wind

and run away with the sun


Angering my sisters and breaking the hearts of a few guys

were my greatest sins

and life was a mystery

slowly unfolding before my eyes


Now I have mouths to feed and bills to pay

and laughs and tears have sculpted my face

creating valleys and mountains of wisdom and pain


The wind continues to whisper me “Come play”

but the cadence of the clock chains me down

Neither night or day I can take any rest

as duty has overshadowed my jest


I’ve conquered my dreams and expanded my square

I’ve torn down walls and built bridges

I’ve talked and listened

taught and learned

I’ve forgiven and asked for forgiveness

I’ve walked miles and voyaged to distant lands

but I’ve forgotten how to fly


I’m fulfilled

but still wait for the day


with the wind, I will be able to play


© 2019 Carolina Freire All Rights Reserved



Carol Freire

Curiosity leads my steps. Global Digital Marketing & Content. Brazilian American writer.