Fake it till you make it

A copycat exercise to help sharpen Sketch skills

Carol Moran
2 min readMar 24, 2019

It’s day two on Sketch, and time to put what I have learnt so far to the test. Ironhack’s next challenge was to take the following two screenshots from a group travel app, and recreate an exact copy in Sketch.

The originals

This exercise took MUCH longer than I expected! It reminded me a lot of my architecture days. It was a great way to practise using Sketch, and I think that if I repeated the exercise I would be able to cut some corners.

My version (say hi ladies!)

My experience with design programs has taught me that there are usually many different ways to achieve exactly the same result (some quicker than others). I got there in the end, but I definitely took the scenic with some of the elements. Nevertheless, I really enjoyed the exercise and am looking forward to the next Sketch challenge!

