Babies make us slow down

Carole P. Roman
3 min readJul 30, 2018
Picture taken by Brittney Bass

Today I spoke to my radio show producer, I commented that I noticed a new quality in her voice.

It was softer, slower as if she was savoring each minute. She paused for a second and asked what did I mean? I replied that I knew she had just become a grandmother and it showed.

Her voice had a lazy quality that it had never had before. I explained my theory. I felt that having a grandchild had put the brakes on her busy life and she was learning to slow down without even realizing.

She laughed out loud and said it was ironic. She recently admitted work had become not only tedious but overwhelming and hired an assistant to help her multitask. For the first time in her life, she was delegating her assignments out.

“Yes, I know,” I agreed. “You have more important things to do now.”
My entire married life felt as though it existed on a superhighway. It ramped up when we started our family.

I had to work, take care of the house and my kids at breakneck speed. Our business is seven days a week and twenty-four hours a day, so issues came at us fast and furiously. With a high profile clientele, problems must be addressed the minute you become aware of them. As a result, I rush everything else in my life.

