The Bravery Of A Nurse

Carole P. Roman
3 min readJan 24, 2018


We are going on week three of my husband’s stint in the local hospital. He had an emergency and has been in Intensive Care waffling between good days and bad days, mixed with a lot of painful procedures.

It hasn’t been easy. I am there from six in the morning until six or seven at night, sitting, helping, asking questions.

I’ve had several operations, been to the ER enough times to have a healthy respect for nurses, but spending the last few weeks with them in the ‘trenches’ has been a life-changing experience for me.

There is a crew of about twelve women, diverse in every way you can imagine. Some are from Long Island, my home. Others come from the Bronx, Queens, and upstate. Many are from Haiti, India, and a variety of other countries. All of them are dedicated.

I never thought about the bravery of a nurse. The week my husband had his issues they were bombarded with flu. The ER had stretchers lining the halls and newbies were brought into the ICU every day. A snowstorm made driving treacherous. I met the manager of the nurses in the elevator, coordinating shifts, making sure there would be coverage. While we close our office if the snow is terrible, and teachers get snow days, I never thought about the nurses. They travel too, and yet they arrived travel-weary, managing to fight the blizzard and come back, without question.

My husband is one of the younger patients in the unit, a veteran of lung cancer, a heart attack, and now to complete his trifecta, a stroke. He was in a drug-induced coma for almost fifteen days, a necessary evil with intubation.

I donned a mask as the room filled with flu victims, sent my adult children from their father’s side, afraid they might bring the disease home. Signs were posted indicating that all personnel must wear protective gear when tending to the flu patients.

A feisty, elderly patient was brought in, and no amount of sedative calmed her. She ripped out her IV, screaming she wanted to go home. I watched slack-jawed as she managed to get off the bed. Without care for themselves, the respiration therapist and four nurses barreled into her cubical preventing her from harming herself.

They did it without donning protective gear, instinctively reacting selflessly to save a life.

I never realized the scope of a nurses dedication. While I respected them as professionals, I realized they are so much more. Like soldiers, they put themselves at high risk, often without any regard or notice. They have families, children, yet they show up, prepared to battle disease. Their job involves the most undesirable projects, personal, yet they manage the grimmest and nastiest with grace and privacy.

Nurses are devoted to their job. They’d have to be. Their clientele is cranky, and often unappreciative.

When I called one morning as soon as I woke, to see how my husband fared that night, the nurse covering indicated he had a rough few hours, nothing they couldn’t handle, and they decided not to alert me. You see, they felt I needed to rest. I got teary. In all the commotion to save my spouse, and keep him well, they even thought of me. I felt nurtured and protected. They made me feel part of their team. I will never forget them.

Nurses are special people, that often go without being recognized for the excellent service they do for the community. Their kindness and expertise are vital in times when you need it most.

Doctors are the rocks stars of the hospital. Nurses are undervalued and in some cases are not compensated enough for the excellent service they provide.

Thank a nurse, today. They are unique people and deserve our respect.

