GoodLife App— Help user to be aware with mental health | UX Case Study

Carolina Anastasia
9 min readFeb 15, 2023


GoodLife App


Hello ! My name is Carolina Anastasia. This project was done for a challege on UI/UX Design Bootcamp held by Binar Academy. This project was manage and finish with team and collabs with Product Manager.

Roles and Resposibilities

This is my first project of UI/UX, and both of my final project Bootcamp at Binar Academy. I worked this project with my team and we named it “GoodLife team”, there’s consisted me as UX Researcher, Michelle as UI Designer, Firdaus as UI Designer, Moldy as Product Manager, Salwa as Product manager, Zhafirah as Product manager.

Problem Statement
In carrying out our daily routines, often some people feel bored with their daily routine that they are going through which forces them to remain productive both because of work and other activities,and it triggers feelings of anxiety and stress which affect mental health. This can also be called Boreout Syndrome, which is a condition of prolonged boredom due to repetitive routines, but this is not an official medical claim but an expressive description of the problem that happened.

Because of the problem, GoodLife App presence with consultation feature with Professional psychologists that certification and credibility are expected to be able to help people who need help to consult about the problems they are experiencing which are interfering with their mental health. The psychologist booking service feature is also equipped with a schedule that can be adjusted by customers and various payment features that make it easy.

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Users & Audience

This project focused of users and audience that match with the background problem crieteria that have been described, related to boredom which case them to be often stressed and difficult finding people to communicate their emotion or problems with feeling safe and comfortable.

Timeline and Tools

This project requires a timeline for completion so that the completion so tasks and projects both can be carried out in a clear and on time according the deadline.


To support this project, me and my team use several tools to finished GoodLife project.

The Process

To finishing GoodLife project, we need a framework to produce appropriate products. In this case study , I will use a design thinking process.


Research Plan

To reach the goals of GoodLife we need to set research plan that helped us to know details about user behavior.

Objective Research

  1. To know user behaviour about their daily routine
  2. To know user journey to found their solution when their on the problems
  3. To know what user needs and goals after release this GoodLife App
  4. To know user consent in using the GoodLife App

Affinity Mapping

To better understand the problems and user needs, after conducting research the next process is grouping related needs and what problems occurding to be designed as solution for product in the GoodLife App.

Affinity map


At the Define stage, I explored the interview results using the above method and created a user journey map to look for opportunities that could be implemented in future products.

User Persona

To help us improved features product, we nees to spesific charachter identification abot the user and it can be make visualization with User Persona.


  • User feeling safe and comfortable to tell their story/ problems
  • User get information and education about mental health
  • User get easily media access when their need to consultation about their problems to profesional psychologist.

🐾Customer Journey Map

Costumer Journey Map

👁️👁️POV ( Point Of View )



  1. How to present information and education about mental health in a concise and reliable way?
  2. How to connected with source person for doing interaction?
  3. How to make user feeling safe and comfortable to tell their problems?
  4. How to make user aware and need to check about their mental helath?
  5. How to make user trust to tell their problems and story to professional physchologist?


After research about the problems and identify what users needs, i’m as UX design and researcher found idea to built features product for GoodLife App, these features consist of Consult, News, Journals.

💭🔸Consult : This features consultation user services with professional psychologist, where users can choose a psychologist and the psychologist’s schedule and can see rates to check creadibility of the theraphist according to users needs.

📝🔸Journals : This features created to helped people if their want to share their daily story and express their emotion through journals media on GoodLife App.

📜🔸GoodLife News : This features created to helped people if their want to know information updates about mental health issues throught News feature on GoodLife App.

Me as UX Designer have made design for these features but for booking consultation me and my team agree to develop booking consultation with add payment feature for booking to help user when their want to booking consultation so users get easier doing consult.

User Flow

This user flow is made with the aim that the product features developed can be understood by users when they want to use it.

User Flow Payment Feature
User Flow Payment Feature


This stage is visualization from several stage before, this stage be a part of UI designer to make a Low Fidelity and High Fidelity product feature before validate the product.

Link Prototype ⬇️


In phis phase, UI designer Firdaus and Michelle make a sketch and wireframe to be Low-Fidelity MockUp to created layouts of the button and frame.

Lo-Fi GoodLife App
Lo-Fi GoodLife App
Lo-Fi GoodLife App

High-Fidality MockUp

In this phase, Michelle As UI designer created a High-Fidality Mock Up for GoodLife App.

Hi-Fi GoodLife App
Hi-Fi GoodLife App
Hi-Fi GoodLife App
Hi-Fi GoodLife App

🎨🖼️Design Guide

Component Guidance
Colour Guidance


💻🎬Usability Testing (UT)

Usability testing is carried out to validate the user understand the flow and purpose of the product features being developed so far. So, target participant of Usability Testing approcah to User Persona that created at stage before approximately 23–27 age yo.

In phase of Usability Testing, me as UX Designer and researcher doing Usability testing to validate feature product od GoodLife App.


The method used in this Usability Testing is moderated testing, using the Maze and Zoom Meeting platforms.


  1. Users can consult about mental health by online easily, safely, comfortably with the credibility of psychologists that can be adjusted according to user needs.
  2. Users get information about mental health easily and credibility
  3. Users can book online consultations with various non-cash payment methods.

🧑🏻‍💻👩🏻‍💻Scenario Usability Testing

  1. Users can login to accounts and create accounts to access the GoodLife application
  2. Users can make payments to book online consultations with psychologists regarding mental health according to user needs.
  3. Users can set privacy regarding their account profile.

❓❓Exploration Question

At this phase, i divided the question of 3 parts to support usability testing result.

🔎Screening questions
This stage is the opening stage or can also be called “warming up” as a form to approach character recognition as well as user knowledge of topics related to the application to be tested.

🔎In Test- Question
This stage is asking questions about user experience and opinions in carrying out tasks on features in applications that are designed in the form of prototypes.

🔎Post Test -Question
This stage is the user’s assessment of the tasks given in Usability Testing and provides to give criticism/suggestions for feature development.

📌Result of Usability testing📌

After performing of Usability Testing was done by using maze tools, so i get the results can be obtained regarding user experience and understanding about the product features to being developed.

As benchmark of Usability Testing, i used SUS ( System Usability Score) methode in assesing the result.

SUS ( System Usability Score)
GoodLife UT Score

Conclusion of the Usability Testing that i did is feature product of GoodLife App had a score with point 64 which is a Good score according to SUS benchmark.

Result of Usability Testing

🌻Feedback Capture Grid

Feedback Capture Grid

There are criticisms and suggestions given by users regarding the development of product features after doing Usability Testing like including the colors on the buttons to more contrasting and clearly visible as well and adding payment options to the booking consultation feature with more types.

Documentation Usability Testing

Usability Testing User 1
Usability Testing User 2
Usability Testing User 3
Usability Testing User 4

Maze link

Zoom Record

🌻After doing Usability testing, there are several parts that must be developed and improved like UI design and add new alternatif payment for booking consultation

Result Design UI and Feature product after Usability testing


📌The flow of the features tested to the user is quite easy to understand.

📌The appearance of several features in the application and UI need to be improved and re-evaluated so that users are not confused when carrying out tasks.

📌The third task is the feature for booking payment payments to be further developed into various types of payments.


🌻Divide and manage time better in the next challenge/sprint.

🌻Better communication and collaboration between team members.
🌻Data-driven decision making.

🌻Update the progress of activities regularly within the team

🌻For me, this project make me learn about How to be UX researcher and complete the case by a predetermined deadline


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOU INTEREST! I still learning about UI/UX , Hope you you get insight from GoodLife Portofolio 🎉🎉👧🏻👧🏻

