The Truth — Caroline Glogoviecki Care Creative, How a Toxic Client tried to destroy me with a vile, vindictive, and wildly false post.

Caroline Glogoviecki
4 min readJul 20, 2024


I don’t want to be here doing this. I believe in win-win outcomes. I believe in uplifting people. I believe in putting time, energy, and effort into positive things.

But I must defend myself.

Two days ago, I Googled my name. It’s not something I’m in the habit of doing, but I was locked out of my LinkedIn account and, as part of their identity verification process, I had to copy and paste my own profile URL link.

And on the first page of Google, I saw this:

Notice the intentional malicious formatting — beginning with my full name and company name — intended to inflict maximum SEO damage, so anyone searching either would see this post.

Could you imagine?

Now imagine realizing it’s been sitting there, on the first page of Google, for over a year, and you didn’t know. Now imagine thinking… wait… I’ve been slower than in previous years and it’s seemed strange. Who has seen this? What opportunities have I missed? I didn’t get that project… is this why?

Then think… WAIT. This isn’t even true!

This is so blatantly wrong, unimaginably cruel, deeply, intentionally, even passionately hurtful and malicious. “I invite you to come talk to me so I can share screen grabs.”

You think… OMG.

Then you think — or at least I hope you’d think — what kind of person would do this?

But wait. You haven’t even clicked the link yet.

So you do. And you see this:

So wildly false I want to throw up. And the kicker? She’s still using my work.

Now at this point imagine wanting to die.

It wrongfully and brutally attacks your work, your competence, your business, your commitment… even your character.

And then imagine writing a reply to defend yourself— nearly two years after it’s been sitting there for anyone in the world to see — and discovering comments aren’t working.

Fun, right?

And so here I am — Caroline Glogoviecki of Care Creative — sharing my reply:


If you’ve come across this vicious and inaccurate attack on my competence and character, I invite you to consider the type of person who would post such a message.

A post that is:

✔️ Intentionally cruel, vindictive, and malicious

✔️ Intended to destroy a business and livelihood

✔️ Blatantly one-sided

Is that someone you would want to work with?

I doubt it.

And neither would I.

But I did.

For month after month, after tedious, soul-crushing, and financially draining month, I did.

Despite the harassment and threats, despite the constantly contradictory feedback, despite being banned from accessing the site to make edits, despite the wrongful accusations, despite the non-stop requests for variations upon variations of work, despite offering to cover the full expense for a senior developer to continue to be available to her once the abuse became too unbearable for me to continue (with sufficient notice and final and working files provided), despite not collecting my final payment, despite the enormous financial loss, and despite the reality that I delivered good work… despite all this… and it was A LOT…

I would NEVER do something so detrimental to another human as posting this garbage.

Joanna, it would be so easy to destroy your reputation and your business.

But I choose not to.

And, frankly, I don’t need to.

You’ve very effectively displayed your true colours with this post.

And it’s not a good look.

But for the record, you were the most difficult, high-maintenance, and unreasonable client I’ve encountered in my 22-year career.

The career I worked so hard to build and that you’ve so passionately attempted to destroy.

We are two very different kinds of people.

Take care, Joanna. I wish you much success in life.

NOTE: As of today, her website continues to use my work. My layouts. My designs. My logo. My colours. My imagery. Even much of my copy. She’s even updated it with new employees. I think people might find that mighty interesting.

Feedback from my other clients:

Feedback from my other clients.

Samples of my work:

The quality and calibre of my work

Several people have asked how they can support me during this time. If you’d like to connect, I’m at 💜

PS. A few have suggested contacting Joanna to inform her how damaging her post has been and asking her to kindly remove it. (“She must not know how bad it is— surely she’d take it down if she knew!? Doesn’t she know how bad it makes her look!? What is she thinking!?). She was asked. She refused. Unless I give her a full refund for all the work I did. The work she continues to use.

If you have been affected by online slander, I will personally help you. For free.

That’s how I’ll make lemonade out of these lemons. In fact, I’m going to make a pitcher of margaritas!

