Manifesting Generator: Want some quick tips to make your life even more fun?

This is for the speedy ones, the impatient ones, the superhuman ones. This is for the MGs.

Caroline Southwell
7 min readJun 20, 2022

Hello Mani Gen! If you want to tear straight through this article, go right ahead and know that it’s a great idea to read the Generator blog post first (because, at your core, you’re a Generator Type first and foremost). This blog post will help you get the most out of the one below!

If you’re ready to read this post now, here are five quick tips to help you, the MG (the fusion of the Generator and the Manifestor) to make your life work better, create more success, more satisfaction, and yes, more fun!

[In case you want to know who the heck I am to teach you more about your MG self before you dive into these tips — Hi! I’m Caroline, a Human Design guide who’s been studying, teaching, and coaching others on their HD since 2014. That’s 8 years at the time of writing this, yo!

During that time I’ve taught many MG students, coached MG clients to live into their design and read oodles of charts for MGs of every possible configuration. Also, my brother is a Man Gen, so I’ve been observing his speedy nature all my life, and several of my dearest girlfriends are MGs. Sooooo, while I’m not an MG myself, I watch you awesome humans and learn from you guys constantly. And I’ve picked up a few useful things to share over the last few years… Ready to learn about you?]

Five great tips to help the Manifesting Generator create a life you love! Here’s what you need to know:

1. First and foremost, you’re a Generator.

Despite your somewhat confusing name, you are — at the core of you — a Generator. You’re just a really, really fast one! When you’re trying to turn ideas into form if you can remember that you’re more like a Generator than a Manifestor that will help (especially if you understand both types fairly well). If not, here’s the next clue…

2. Focus on responding first and informing second.

You’re designed to respond to life as it comes to you because you have the aura of a Generator (it’s just that you have some Manifestor add-ons!).

So, respond to opportunities. Respond to creating new things. Respond to chances to sell. Respond, respond, respond!

Then when you go to do the thing that may impact others, then inform others (as your Mani brothers and sisters do) so the people around you can get out of your way and let you build the thing you want to create!

3. You skip steps. You can’t help it.

You are designed to move fast, very fast. Part of the way you move fast is that you skip steps in pretty much every single thing you do. If you beat yourself up because you missed something important (like a key word in an email you’ve just written, or you forgot to introduce your fellow team members in a meeting, or you skipped anything that’s obvious in hindsight or to an onlooker) then please give yourself a break.

You create incredible volumes of work in the world.

You have the capacity to reach a lot of people with your work and you can get more useful things done in a day than most people get done in a week. And this speed comes with a price: you make tiny ‘mistakes’ and miss small (and occasionally large) things often. It’s all part and parcel of being an MG. Work out how to live with it and if you’ve been berating yourself for it please take a deep breath and see if you laugh in these situations instead.

And then…

4. Pick up the bits you miss (or get someone else to).

If you run a business, a total godsend would be to hire an empowered Projector to manage your hugely energetic self and a solid, reliable Generator to catch the steps you missed and fill in as many of them for you as possible. Even one of these hires would be a blessing, not only for you but for your whole team and your clients or customers, as well as for your family and friends who will get to have a happier and healthier MG outside of work.

If you’re not in a position to have a Projector to manage you or Generator to support you in your business or work, then you may simply have to go back and do the steps you missed yourself. The more humour and lightness you can bring to this, the easier it will be. So again, if you’ve been beating yourself up for missing steps (sometimes known as ‘making mistakes’) then please remember you are designed to skip steps!

And if you didn’t skip steps then you wouldn’t be able to create as much value in the world as you do.

A final note on this: Not all steps are important. Many of the steps you skip didn’t need doing in the first place. It’s only in hindsight that you or someone else works out which ones actually did need doing. Circle back and do those ones and try not to stress about it, because in the scope of your whole life, this one small thing won’t matter.

Now, the final tip for the MG…

5. Decondition.

In short, this means “unhook the beliefs, stories, and meanings you’ve made or learned about who you think you should be”.

Doing so makes space for who you were born to be and that, my friend, is a total powerhouse who is awesome to watch in action. You will floor people with what you’re able to create, and by deconditioning the ‘should’s’, the ‘must’s’ and the ‘have to’s’ from your life you’ll be able to create with so much more flow and ease and magic.

There are truckloads of ways you can decondition. One of my favourites is the Trauma-Informed Tapping I do personally and professionally. It’s like EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques — which I’m formally trained in) and similar to other forms of Tapping but it’s gentler and more effective because with it we show deep respect for the human body you’re living in.

It’s also super adaptable, so it can be adjusted to suit the speed of speedy Man Gen! It can be used to help with everything from that frustrating thing that happened at work today, to old deep-seated beliefs, and start to shift the pain of traumatic events in your childhood where you learned it was not okay to be you.

Whether you choose Tapping or something else altogether, do choose something to help you decondition because simply following your Human Design Strategy and Inner Authority won’t cut it. Following these HD teachings is super freakin’ useful and I wouldn’t be without them — I teach them to my clients constantly — but they’re only half the picture.

Actively deconditioning is one step you really can’t miss if you’re going to live into your most powerful, influential, awesome human self.

That’s it!

If you haven’t read the post for Generators you may find that a really useful complement to this post.

If you wish one of your loved ones understood you better, feel free to forward this article to them ;)

And if you want more resources for your MG self, scroll down.

With love,


If you like how I teach (or want the same lessons but in shorter or different formats!) and you’re still really new to HD, then one or more of these courses might interest you:

Want to continue your learning with HD or learn more about how to decondition?

  • Get semi-regular emails about Human Design, Tapping and other things to help you transform your life and relationships: here.
  • Watch or listen to full-length videos or quick tips about Human Design and Tapping: Here on YouTube.

Feel like you already know a lot about your Human Design chart but realise you need help to effectively decondition so you can actually live it?

Learn how to do Trauma-Informed Tapping (similar to EFT and other forms of Tapping but gentler and more effective) so you can use it wherever and whenever you need it: Check availability here.

This photo is of me when I used to live in Bali back in 2015. It is still one of my favourite photos to date.



Caroline Southwell

Transformational Specialist supporting conscious leaders & change-makers to know themselves, be themselves & love themselves to make the world better for all.