Projector: Here are the things I wish I’d known years ago.

The seven lessons I wish all Projectors knew from the beginning.

Caroline Southwell
7 min readAug 20, 2023

Whether you’re brand new to Human Design or you’ve been learning about it for a while there’s likely some reason you clicked on this blog post. More than nine years into my journey with HD there are a handful of things I have found myself teaching my Projector clients over and over (and over!) again. They’re the same things that have made the biggest impact on my life as a Projector.

This article will be helpful for you if you are in the 21% (ish) of the population that makes up this Human Design Type. It will also be helpful if you have a loved one (partner, child, friend, parent, or another) who is a Projector who you want to understand better. Finally, if you’re serving clients and using Human Design as part of your coaching then these tips will help you to serve them better.

Let’s dive in!

Here are the seven things I wish someone had told me a very long time ago. They are the most important things I can think to tell you, my fellow Projector.

(Expect me to get straight to the point! Ready?)

1. Your energy field is naturally getting you all the attention you need from the right people.

Stop trying to do clever things to get people’s attention. You’re just burning through your precious energy and it’s not going to end well if you keep this up.

While you can’t see it, your energy field (aka ‘aura’) is energetically talking to everyone you come in contact with. They will feel to invite you if it’s correct for them to do so. So if you’re caught in modes of hustling, talking, trying, or striving just stop.

Stop long enough to see what happens if you just pause, look, listen, observe, and be.

Be. See what happens. You’ll be amazed. You’ll start getting invites without trying and you’ll start to see the magic of your energy field as it does all the talking for you.

2. Your wisdom and insights are precious, please start acting like it.

Stop speaking to every man and his dog who will listen to you for half a second. What you have to share is way too important to be wasted on people who are not listening.

So, stop speaking if you notice someone isn’t totally captivated by what you’re saying. If they look like they’re simply tolerating a conversation with you then they really don’t value your wisdom and insights.

The sooner you start valuing your innate wisdom the sooner other people will too.

3. Rest.

Man, oh man, would you rest! You’re not lazy. You’re not “too good for work”. You’re here to operate differently from the vast majority of people and you’ll do a better job of “being you” if you freakin’ rest some more.

I get how hard this is. So many of us live in societies that applaud being productive and the more you ‘do’ the better you ‘are’. When that’s your cultural narrative it can be really hard to break that conditioning and truly do less.

But as a Projector (who, by design, has an Undefined/Open Sacral Centre: the Centre for working and doing and building) you really can’t sustainably do a lot of ‘doing’ day-in and day-out like the Generator Types.

So you need to find your own flow of doing and resting and become really, really good at honouring your need for a lot more rest than the majority of people. It’s almost counter-intuitive but to become more productive (and successful and healthy and happy) most Projectors I meet (as clients and simply in day-to-day life) truly need to find the time and space for more rest.

4. Quit trying to keep up.

You’re not here to keep up with everyone else. Faster isn’t better, it’s just faster. Doing more is better, it’s just that more stuff gets done. Forget about quantity, you’re here to do quality, in everything you do. So put your focus in that direction. I promise it will get you way better results than if you keep trying to do “all the things”.

Also, your role as a Projector is more of being the guide, the coach, the consultant, the advisor, or the teacher. (When invited) you’re here to guide others so they can do the doing. So focus on what you’re brilliantly designed for and let others zoom a million miles ahead at whatever speed they can go.

You do you and let them do them (as you help them to do ‘them’ better!).

5. Give your advice only when people ask for it.

I know you can see how everyone can do everything better. I know it’s ridiculously annoying when people don’t just take your great advice. I know you have great advice. You’re designed to give great advice! But — and this is a big but — the only people who can hear and actually appreciate your advice are the ones who want it. Full stop. The end.

It’s time to stop dispensing your advice, insights, and knowledge left, right, and centre. Give it to those who ask for it, to those who want it, to those who show you that they really, really want to know what you think.

This practice will change your life. Which brings me to my next point…

6. Wait ’til you’re invited!

I know, I know this is a lot like the last point, but it’s so important it needs repeating! But it also applies to more situations so let’s look at some of those now.

How do you know if someone wants you in the conversation, their workplace, or their life?

They invite you. It’s really that simple.

If you don’t get an invite to something you want to be included in— whether that invite is small or grand, written or verbal, obvious or subtle — don’t stress; there is nothing wrong with you.

If there is no invite forthcoming then it was not the right opportunity for you. It might not be the right time. It might not place you with the right people. There could be any number of reasons, but if it was correct for you then you’d get an invite. End of story.

And if that’s the case, if you wanted an invite and didn’t get one, the best thing to do is to wait, rest, and do things you love. Before you know it the next (right!) invite will come.

7. Decondition!

This means unlearning the beliefs, habits, and behaviours you’ve been doing on autopilot (probably since childhood) that do not serve you. If you have been told, “You have to work hard to be successful” that’s a great belief to ditch.

If you’ve been taking advice from business coaches who told you that you just need to follow their “5-Step System to Success” then you may want to find a new coach. And if you realise you’re still doing this thing or that thing exactly the way your Mum or Dad did — and it leaves you feeling exhausted — then the sooner you shift that way of being, the healthier and happier a Projector you will be.

That‘s it!

If you’re a Projector (or know and love one) and found this helpful consider sharing this if there’s someone who might benefit from reading this. You could change their life :)

And if you want more resources for your Human Design journey, keep scrolling down.

With love,


If you like the way I teach keep reading to find more resources for the conscious entrepreneur who is determined to be their most authentic, empowered self.



  • Beginners Chart Reading — a private, recorded session where I walk you through the most important aspects of your chart. Designed for the newbie to Human Design.
  • Live Your Design — you know a little or a lot about your chart but you’re struggling to live it! This session is designed to help you apply your chart to your real life.


This photo is of me when I used to live in Bali back in 2015. It is still one of my favourite photos to date.



Caroline Southwell

Transformational Specialist supporting conscious leaders & change-makers to know themselves, be themselves & love themselves to make the world better for all.