Tips for the Human Design Manifestor

Here’s what I tell Manifestors when they ask for my advice.

Caroline Southwell
8 min readJun 8, 2022

Manifestors don’t really like taking advice from people as a general rule. But they’re also super misunderstood and many Mani’s feel super lost.

So this blog post is for you if you’re a Manifestor Type in the Human Design System and you’d really like your life to work a bit better. It’s also for you if you’re someone who loves a Mani and you’d really like to understand them a bit better.

[In case you’re curious about what right I have to talk about this powerhouse group of people when I’m another HD Type, let me share this: I’ve been coaching Manifestor clients and teaching them about their Design since late 2014. I have several friends who are Mani’s who teach me stuff about their way of being all the time. And I have a Manifestor partner whom I live with and observe every single day. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, onto the blog post!]

Here are the 7 things I would share with a Manifestor (if they asked me) about how to live in better alignment with their naturally powerful self:

1. Informing makes relationships work better.

Your Human Design Strategy is “to inform”. While it can often feel like one of the hardest things for a Manifestor to do, this can literally make or break a relationship. Because you are designed to initiate (i.e. take your ideas, your inspiration and/or your intuitive hits and “go make things happen”) it’s super easy for you to just go and start things without telling anyone what you’re up to.

The challenge with this, however, is that all of us are in an interconnected web of relationships and your actions affect others, sometimes dramatically. Informing your loved ones, or those people you’ll affect with your actions, will save a lot of unnecessary conflicts because then the people around you will know what you’re up to and are more likely to feel safe to do whatever they need to do with you gone.

2. You’re not here to ask permission.

Adult Manifestors do not need to ask permission. You are simply telling the people around you who need to know that you’re coming or going or that you’re off to create something.

Ideally, you’ll be in relationships with people who don’t try to persuade you to do something other than what you really need or want to do. If you’re in a relationship with someone who keeps blocking you or forcing you to do something different than following your own creative flow, then you may want to consider if you want to be in that relationship.

You already know that you need a lot of freedom to be you, I am simply confirming this.

3. You’re a creative force in the world.

While creativity may look completely different for you to the Mani friend, child, or business bestie you have, all Manifestors are here to be a creative force in the world.

You are here to take those expansive dreams or intuitive knowings and turn them into real, tangible, 3D things. This is your role in the world: to turn energy into matter through your own deliberate actions.

This is essential for you to do because by you, the Manifestor starting things it gives the other Types things that they can then respond to or be invited into.

4. You’re here to start things.

To build on the last point, you are here to start things. You’re a starter. Please note, once you’ve got the ball rolling it is ideal for you to get Generator Types (Generators and Manifesting Generators) to take over to keep the ball rolling. The Gens and Mani Gen of the world have consistent access to sustainable work energy — as long as they are doing the right work for them.

If they are doing the right work for them they can get up every day and keep that ball rolling long after you’ve lost interest. They can keep the business, the project, the ‘thing’ you’ve started ticking along long term while you’ll naturally move on to starting the next thing.

This is not a problem, it is literally what you’re designed to do.

5. You’re going to impact people.

Your aura (energy field) is designed to impact people. It’s designed to ‘bump’ into people so that you can ‘clear the way’ to get things started. There is no hiding if you’re a Manifestor, it’s basically impossible.

Of course, it’s worth noting that this energetic ‘bumping’ into people isn’t necessarily a “bad” thing. Like being at the beach, feeling small or even large waves crash over your feet and/or against your body can feel exhilarating. People choose this experience every single day around the world and if they like your unique ‘flavour’ of Manifestor energy then they’ll enjoy you ‘bumping’ into them too.

So rather than trying to hide or ‘fit in’ or ‘be nice’ (as I often see Manifestors trying to do when they’ve experienced backlash from others once too often) if you actively practise informing people when you arrive or are leaving their space they’ll feel safer and calmer about you being there. And when others feel safe, they do a better job of being kind to those around you, including you.

6. Every Manifestor needs good chunks of alone time.

You need time alone to decompress, especially after hanging out with Generators and Mani Gens (because all that consistent life force energy they emit is tiring for your body to take in all day).

You also need time alone to rest in between creations. Plus you need time alone to do your creative thinking, planning and the actual creations themselves.

Depending on your unique configuration (as per your unique Human Design chart) you may need more or less alone time than other Manis you know. But however you’re energetically configured, as a Mani you’ll need some small or large chunks of alone time every day if you are going to truly thrive.

If you have a Generator or Mani Gen partner you may also be well supported by sleeping alone, some or all of the time. This is very much a personal choice, but it’s likely to have a huge positive impact on your ability to deeply rest, recover and repair. And the more well-rested you are the more impactful your creations will be in the world.

7. Clearing out old anger and frustration leads to a better quality of life.

There are a lot of angry/frustrated Manifestor adults on the planet and there’s a good reason for that. Every Mani adult was once a child who naturally knew they could do things without waiting for other people. As a child, whether you consciously remember it or not, you probably thought that waiting or asking permission was unnecessary or even dumb. The child Manifestor gets told ‘no’ more times than they ever want to remember and these experiences can be really, really painful for that child that has become you.

If this resonates please know, that you’re allowed to feel angry. You’re allowed to feel hurt. You’re allowed to wish your parents knew how to let you do your thing, your way, in your own unique timing.

The best option now— now that you’re an adult — is to love on those parts of you that still carry around that anger, frustration and hurt, and resolve them once and for all. It’s worth knowing that by doing this your sense of well-being and your innate ability to positively impact people will naturally increase.

There are a huge number of ways you can clear, resolve and heal the pain of the past. Trauma-Informed Tapping (the way I do it now after years of doing EFT as a Certified Practitioner) is one way I personally love because it’s highly malleable, while still being deeply effective.

This means that the tool can be used for every single different Human Design configuration, it’s just used differently by Manifestors than by other HD Types… so as long as you genuinely wish to resolve the pain of the past and create a future with way more freedom.

Of course, there are oodles of effective tools/processes/modalities available in the day and age we live in, so I strongly recommend you find one that speaks to you.

And that’s it! If you found this blog post helpful you’re welcome to share it with anyone else that you feel it may support. If you are after more resources for your HD journey you’ll find them by scrolling down more.

With love,


If you like how I teach then below you’ll find more resources to help you become your most authentic, empowered, conscious self.



  • Beginners Chart Reading — a private, recorded session where I walk you through the most important aspects of your chart. Designed for the newbie to Human Design.
  • Live Your Design — you know a little or a lot about your chart but you’re struggling to live it! This session is designed to help you apply your chart to your real life.


This photo is of me when I used to live in Bali back in 2015. It is still one of my favourite photos to date.



Caroline Southwell

Transformational Specialist supporting conscious leaders & change-makers to know themselves, be themselves & love themselves to make the world better for all.