Why I just said goodbye to (yet another) Human Design teacher.

Caroline Southwell
7 min readJul 30, 2023

I was sitting in the bath and I knew: she had to go.

I had been listening to a podcast interview with one of the Human Design teachers I’ve been following for about a year or so and I heard her say some things I’d never heard before. And those things were not okay with me.

I’d learned a lot from her.

She’d done even more study of the system and had been experimenting with the teachings for even longer than the nine years I’d personally already done. But I’d been getting a sense — with each new email that landed in my inbox — that she was no longer someone I wanted to influence me.

Then, in the span of just 10 minutes, she said two separate things that put the final nails in the coffin. Dripping wet, I stood up in the bath, grabbed a towel to dry my hands and unsubscribed on the spot.

Woman looking directly at camera. Probably startled at what she’s just heard. (Photo credit: Timothy Dykes on Unsplash).

What had she said or done that was so awful I was willing to stop learning from someone who is truly an expert in HD?

Actually, nothing. She’s not awful. Not even close. It’s just the things she was saying were so clearly not Human Design; they were her beliefs and she was sharing them as if they were “the truth”.

So she had to go, just like the many other experts before her who had, at some point, said…



Caroline Southwell

Transformational Specialist supporting conscious leaders & change-makers to know themselves, be themselves & love themselves to make the world better for all.