Freedom Within Structure

A slogan for a pandemic

Carol Lennox. LPC, M.Ed.
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

I’m a martial artist. I’m also a rebel. One of my fellow practitioners told me once, “Carol, it’s possible to have freedom with structure. In fact, that’s what martial arts is all about.” It took awhile to wrap my brain around the concept, while wrapping my body around other martial artists, but once I did, a whole new world opened up for me.

How does this apply to a pandemic?

Protestors without masks, and sometimes carrying guns, have become the new face of the pandemic in the U.S. They aren’t the majority, nor are they particularly medically or constitutionally informed. They do present and represent an ugly American face. One not covered in a protective mask.

Whose freedom is actually violated when you don’t wear a mask in public? Mine, and everyone around you. Your freedom shouldn’t have to mean my illness or death.

How do we, as Americans, and as world citizens, practice our own freedom while not infringing on the rights of others? It’s something Americans, at least, should know a lot about. In a democracy, we practice it daily all of our lives.

All of our freedoms are restricted in the sense that we are free insofar as we are not harming others.



Carol Lennox. LPC, M.Ed.
In Fitness And In Health

Psychotherapist sharing new choices. Leans far Left. Mindfulness practitioner before it was cool. LPC, M.Ed. Helping you make a difference every day