6 ways to Think in English 6步培養英文小習慣

Carol Self-learning
4 min readApr 12, 2022


Image produced by Carol through Figma

六個步驟創造英語環境的小習慣!!! Only 6 ways to build up your English learning habit.

This article is my sharing note from Rachel’s video.


1. Name objects around you in English

2. Think in English

3. Have a small conversation with yourself

4. Change one of your everyday life into English

5. Keep track

6. Recap you in a day

Photo by UX Store on Unsplash

1. Name objects around you in English. 將周圍看到的事物用英文說出來

This way can help you to practice pronunciation. If you don’t know how to name objects in English, you can google it or search from the online English dictionary.

Here are useful websites you can find the pronunciation. 好用字典網站:

Youglish | We can search a speech of a real native speaker’s pronunciation.

Cambridge| Suggest using the English-English mode to look up.

App極簡字典| My favourite App cause it’s simple to use and good-looking layout.

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

2. Think in simple sentences in English 簡單造句

Ex: I am _____. This is ____.

I am hungry. I like eating. This apple is delicious.

In order to make it a habit, IMO, here are useful ways to practice:

- Social media like Ig stories or posts. ( even hashtag ) 社群媒體貼文

- Talk to yourself 自我對話

- To-do list ( keep them simple ) 每日工作清單

Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

3. Have a small conversation with yourself in English 自我對話

Actually, it seems like speak a group of simple sentences. You can have this practice in 5 mins every day. 每天花五分鐘英語自我對話

Ex: Today is not my day. I woke up late so I missed the bus today. What’s worse, I left my key on the desk as I was rushing to go to work.

App雅思哥|Find a question you are interested in answering. Free!

流利說雅思 |AI function to score your answer in ur IELTS speaking.

Voicetuber 每日口說挑戰 | A topic to practice and learn from the tutors. Free!

Extra tips:

If you are not able to speak long sentences or lack the vocabulary to describe your mindset, I suggest that you can start with English shadowing.

Repeat/follow a speaker’s sentences from a youtube video or Tvshow.

若覺得講出完整句子超難,或對自己生活沒什麼想法要講,可以試著從「跟讀、模仿、重複別人說話」,找你喜歡的影片、影集、youtuber 跟讀吧!

Recommended Youtuber: Jolly / Lily

Photo by Sahand Babali on Unsplash

4. Change one of your everyday life things to English 把英文融入你的生活其中一件事

Ex: Think days or things in English in ur mind.

You can create your own way to immerse yourself in an English-oriented environment according to your daily life habit. 根據個人生活喜好養成練習英文的小習慣

- Change language to English on your phone or laptop. 將預設語言換成英文

- English Journal. 英文日記 ( 推薦App Highnotes / 開ig小帳寫日記 / Apple內建 notebook / 在Grammerly你的頁面內寫

- use Grammarly to check your writing. 好用檢查文法的app

- Podcast 6 mins in English

- Watch youtube in English transcript

- Turn transcripts language into English on your Netflix / Disney+

Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

5. Keep track of what you have learned every day! 紀錄自己每天的學習狀況

I believe that you will feel satisfied when you see how much work you’ve done so far. 這是一個回饋機制,當看見紀錄滿滿的辛苦後,會感到成就感十足!

Tracking app Continuo| My favourite minimalism habit tracking app.

Habit template sheet | you can print it out.

Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash

6. Recap your day in English. 回想/反思今天做了什麼

Actually, it is a common situation as people ask you ‘How was your day?’

For me, it is the best time to encourage yourself as you recap your day before going to the bed. I regarded this way as self-reflection.

It is no need to be a long article. It could be as simple as you can like ‘What a lovely day!’.

A good way to learn more expression about reflection in Enlish: 更多詞彙量可以表達反省與日常的資源

- Biography book | My favourite — A woman makes a plan by Meye Musk

- Youtuber | Jenn Im

- Spotify Podcast | Meditation / Thinking in English


I am Carol, a self-learner.

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