How to Cultivate Empathetic Joy 培養同理心的快樂

Carol Self-learning
4 min readFeb 27, 2023


Cover Made by Carol in Figma.

When I came across this Podcast, Sunday Scaries by Headspace, I fell in love with these inspiring and encouraging speeches, especially the part about meditation.

This article is related to ‘Empathetic joy’, which raised my curiosity when I heard of it initially.


這篇文章主要分享有關 培養同理的快樂 ,一開始聽到也覺得很難做到,於是決定要來了解相關主題。

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1. Resentment can steal our joy. 自怨自艾會偷走你的快樂

Thinking moments at home alone, we are confronted with seeing the photo of others on vacation on social media.


And then, look around your room and think :

- I want to be anywhere but here! 我只想離開這裡

- I would do anything to be on vacation right now! 我什麼都不想做,只想跟他們一樣去度假

We were overwhelmed with resentment and disappointment.

There is a catastrophic time when we think that life is boring and never get fun things. When we see someone having fun or being successful, we think there is less chance of being a success.

為甚麼我們會感到忌妒? 因為每當我們看見別人光彩成功的一面,我們本性自然地會認為我們成功的機率變少了。

Having this kind of anxiety, we want to be someone else while comparing ourselves to others, can steal our joy.


Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

2. How do we keep our joy intact? 如何保持完好的快樂 看待這些事?

Take back to reality.

Now, what is next?

Focusing on negative feelings would help its growth. Instead, we should shift our attention out there. In this way, we can find more happiness.

首先,轉移焦點,先回到現實來,仔細想想我等等要做什麼? 把負面能量轉換,正視自己的人生目標。

Photo by Zachary Kadolph on Unsplash

3. Where should our attention be? 培養同理的快樂時,我們要把關注點放在哪邊?

Empathetic joy means cultivating your own sense of joy to connect happiness or success to other people.


Here is the thing:

When practising Empathetic joy, you don’t need to focus on people you are jealous of. You can think about your family or the people you know or love.

- What makes her/him laugh?

- Because her/his laughter makes me smile, it helps.

當我們培養同理的快樂,你不需要把目光放在你羨慕的人身上。你可以想想家人 姪子 姪女 小朋友,想想簡單的事情,為什麼他們的微笑會讓妳快樂?

When we could tap into a sense of appreciation of joy, it increases our own sense of life satisfaction and happiness.


For instance, you can recall how good it felt seeing someone you care about smile and show pleasure when you gave them a gift.


- 你可以想想你在意的家人/小孩,當他們快樂大笑時,你是否也感到快樂?

- 當他們收到你的禮物時,你想像他們的喜悅,你是否也感到愉悅呢?


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5. This person deserves happiness 同理心快樂


- Cultivating empathetic joy is a practice and it is like a muscle you need to build. 同理心就像肌肉一樣需要被鍛鍊!

- It requires the great intention to choose to be happy for someone. 同理心快樂需要很高的專注力去感同身受

- It reminds us that this person deserves happiness and joy like us. 同理心提醒我們: 眼前這個人,與你一樣值得快樂!

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6. Let’s give this a try! #Empathetic joy


1. Get deep breaths wherever you are. 深呼吸

2. Just relax your shoulders and allow them to follow your heart. 放鬆肩膀 跟隨自己的心

3. Think of someone in your life who is happy and filled with joy. 想想你的親人或目標對象 快樂的樣子

4. Think about what you appreciate in love about this person. 觀察,欣賞快樂的原因

5. Allowing these good feelings filling into your body. 讓愉悅的心像水流一樣從頭注入全身

And repeat these:

- May your joy be nurtured and nourished. 願你的愉悅被滋養與茁壯

- May your joy continue to grow in your own flow into the lives and hearts of others. 願你的喜悅持續順流到生命中,並帶給他人快樂

Just noticing what it feels like after offering these words. And, you start to let go.

觀察自己看事物的心態是否改變了呢? 練習冥想後,釋放這些情緒。

耶! 是不是就少了一開始很忌妒的負面能量了呢!

Photo by Andy Abelein on Unsplash

7.Conclusion 同理心快樂 小結

It will not take happiness away from you when someone else is happy.

Joy doesn’t have limits. Most importantly, joy is found in the present moment. Not in here nor there, but whatever you are and where you are able to cultivate it.

Even though cultivating empathetic joy is found in thinking about someone else, it’s still you cultivating those feelings. The joy is still coming from within you.


Take good care! everyone!

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