List of TV shows to learn English — Part2 英文影集清單 (下集)

Carol Self-learning
7 min readFeb 5, 2023


There is a list of Tv shows which I watched in English subtitles in 2020–2022. I use this way to create a habit of reading English on a daily basis.

For learning English, I would suggest choosing a lower speed of speaking in episodes so that you have enough time to read the subtitles in English.


-> More info: My List of Tv shows Part 1 英文影集清單(上集) Compile information about how to learn effectively by watch Tv shows 此篇整理開字幕看影集學英文的資訊

13. Street food Asia 街邊有食神 亞洲

單字難度:★★☆☆ #Streetfood #Documentary #Food / IMBd 7.9

Out of my curiosity, how a foreign team will introduce food in Taiwan? The host talks about some of the best street food specialities popular in different countries, and I watched the Asia season in English.


14. The Powerpuff Girls 飛天小女警

單字難度:★☆☆☆ #Cartoon #Fantasy #Magic #School / IMBd 7.3

Cartoons are part of my best pastime in childhood. Watching cartoons also can be a good way to learn English. I enjoy every character in this series and love Mojo Jojo the most who can be the most hilarious villain.


“Those people aren’t our loved ones. Our loved ones would never want to hurt us!” — Buttercup

“There’s nothing wrong with talking to yourself.” — Bubbles

Quotes from

15. Girlboss 正妹CEO

單字難度:★★☆☆ #Comedy #Business #Saleswomen / IMBd 7

The main character, Sophia, is a rebellious, broke anarchist who decides to start selling clothes online. I was attracted by her charisma and sometimes she gives inspiring ideas.


“Abandon anything about your life and habits that might be holding you back. Learn to create your own opportunities. Know that there is no finish line; fortune favors action. Race balls-out toward the extraordinary life that you’ve always dreamed of, or still haven’t had time to dream up. And prepare to have a hell of a lot of fun along the way.”
Sophia Amoruso, Nastygal founder and author of #GIRLBOSS

16. Avatar the last Airbender 降世神通 最後的氣宗

單字難度:★★☆☆ #Cartoon #Magic #Fantasy / IMBd 9.3

In this animated show, I was intrigued by the main character, Sokka, who always comes up with brilliant ideas. There are a lot of great messages in this tv show, such as the four elements, Water, Earth, Fire, and Air, which are pivotal for our planet. I really enjoy the complex plots and character development in this Tv series.


”Life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not.” — Iroh

“Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source.” — Iroh

“It’s easy to do nothing, it’s hard to forgive.” — Aang

“Sometimes life is like this tunnel. You can’t always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you keep moving, you will come to a better place.” — Iroh

Quote from :

17. Riverdale 河谷鎮

單字難度:★★★★ #Mystery #Drama #Teenager #Criminal / IMBd 6.6

I only watched the 1–3 seasons. It was the second Tv series when I started to watch Tv shows in English. In the first season, I was obsessed with the characters in this show and the unexpected criminal events in every episode.


18. 13 Reasons Why 漢娜的遺言

單字難度:★★★☆ #Crime #School #Mystery #Suicide / IMBd 7.5

It talks about prevalent issues and topics. The show creates awareness of topics which society ignores frequently. It will make you think and ponder about life and relationship. However, I would not recommend it to someone that is easily triggered by sensitive topics of a bully, depression and violence.


“No matter how many reasons there might be why, there are always more why not.” — Olivia Baker

“Maybe love is how you understand infinity. When your love has no limit. When it goes on forever. Maybe that feels like infinity.” — Hannah

Quote from :

19. The Extreme Engagement 極端婚約 全球婚俗大體驗

單字難度:★ ★ ★ ☆ #Love #Travel #Culture #Relationship / IMBd 5.7

An engaged couple travels around the world for a year, exploring marriage customs in diverse cultures. The exploration of foreign cultures is interesting to see.

這是一部評價蠻低的影集,我純粹好奇女主怎麼撐過重重困難看到最後。男主與女主求婚,要一起去全世界原始部落體驗最原始的結婚儀式,看到最後只想說女主真的辛苦了… 對原始部落旅遊+情侶吵架用語有興趣的人可以試試看一集(哈)

20. Explained 流行大百科

單字難度:★ ★ ★ ☆ #Documentary #Knowledge #Idea / IMBd 8.0

The docu-series features episodes ranging from 15 to 20 minutes in length. The series aims to dig deeper into topics, questions and ideas. Subjects covered are the rise of cryptocurrency, why diets fail, and the world of K-pop music, etc.


21. Rick and Morty 瑞克和莫蒂

單字難度:★ ★ ★ ★ #Sitcom #Animate #Adventures / IMBd 9.1

The animation is sick and attractive which is the reason why I watch it twice. The visual design looks extremely beautiful and unimaginable. It is entertaining, exciting but violent action-packed scenes that keep the audience hooked.

很喜歡這部片的動畫風格,但部分有血腥十八禁唷。劇情上很多出乎意料之外的事,劇情跟畫面都超有創意,真的是天才才想得到啊。單字很多很難+一堆髒話,但要先以中文看過才知道意思,有些字是作者自己造字或故意拼錯的,可以不用太在意文法,全程用驚訝的腦袋追完 > _ <

22. The End of the F***ing World X你的世界末日

單字難度:★ ★ ★ ★ #Life #Crime #Love / IMBd 8.0

James, a teenager, embarks on a strange journey with Alyssa in search of her father, which leads to a series of misadventures. The characters draw your attention right away. The plot is unexpected and there are a number of twists and turns that can be dangerous but heart-warming.


“That was the day I learned that silence is really loud”

“It’s strange. A lot of the time you don’t register the important moments as they happen. You only see that they were important when you look back.”

“To be mad in a deranged world is not madness; it’s sanity.”

Quotes from :

23. Money Heist 紙房子

單字難度:★ ★ ★ ★ #Thriller #Crime #Drama / IMBd 8.2

A criminal called Professor has a plan to pull off the biggest heist to print billions of euros in Spain. He recruits a group of people to help. It is exciting to watch the negotiations with the authorities, who strategize to try to capture the Professor.


24. Squid Game 魷魚遊戲

單字難度:★ ★ ★ ☆ #Survival #Horror #Thriller / IMBd 8.0

The thrilling plot in the game about life or death is easy to understand and attracts the audience to watch. As an English learner, I suggest switching the audio to the English version with English subtitles.


25. The Society 新社會

單字難度:★ ★ ★ ☆ #Mystery #Adolescence #Survive / IMBd 7.1

After a storm, the teens found that all of the town’s adults are gone. While they struggle to figure out how to get the town back to normal, the teens establish order and a new society in order to survive.


26. Wednesday 星期三

單字難度:★ ★ ★ ☆ #Mystery #Fantasy #Horror / IMBd 8.2

I love the Addams family for how weird and odd they were! The main character, Wednesday, is rebellious which makes me a fan of hers. The art design and storyline are really cool and fantastic. We can learn lots of sarcastic remarks in this Tv show.


-> More info: My List of Tv shows Part 1 英文影集清單(上集)

Here is the list of Tv shows I have watched in English till Jan 2023. I hope it will be helpful for learners who are looking for new ideas for learning material.

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